Evolutionary Astrology: Your Karmic Journey In This Lifetime

The Astrological Weather Report

Evolutionary Astrology is a unique approach that delves into the deeper layers of our being and provides these answers.

Unveiling the parts of ourselves that we don’t like, the hurts, disappointments, rejections, traumas, and “failures” that we carry with us, is the first step towards personal growth. This is the essence of Evolutionary Astrology. 

Who am I?

Why am I here?

What are my lessons?

Daniel Fiverson is a certified Evolutionary Astrologer trained in the Jeffrey Wolf Green School of Evolutionary Astrology. He is an astrological, intuitive, and metaphysical practitioner and has studied astrology, tarot, and I Ching since the 1960s. Astrology is not a “cookbook” science. One “size” does not fit all. You already know the “what’s” of your life. Evolutionary Astrology reveals the “whys.”

Evolutionary Astrology readings are an empirical process of observation and correlation. “As above, so below.” The reading correlates your natal chart to the context of your life and how your life experiences are reflected by the dominant astrological archetypes in your chart. The reading reveals how your planets, signs, and houses work together as a holistic singularity and how you are being guided through karmic necessity to connect to your soul-centered self and achieve self-realization. Evolutionary Astrology reveals why your life has unfolded the way it has and why the people and circumstances showed up when they did.

Just as the river knows the way to the sea, your Soul knows the way home.

Evolutionary Astrology

Your Evolutionary Astrology reading includes the following:

  1. Pluto’s karmic/evolutionary dynamics
  2. Major archetypal themes  
  3. Lunar nodes
  4. Asteroids

90 minutes ~ $255

Readings can also include:

  • Transits
  • Progressions
  • Solar Arcs 
  • Solar Return (A separate reading)  
  • Planetary cycles
  • Relationships
  • Relocation
  • Health
  • Career
  • Relationship Synastry: How you and your partner’s charts work together ~ 90-minute reading for each partner + 90-minute couples reading ~$750 (3 sessions)
  • Written Interpretation $375

Readings include audio and video recordings.

Consultations are held on Zoom.

This is what I hear from my clients, time after time…

“No one has ever told me that before!”

Feedback from client

I just had the most profound reading with Daniel! His bright, learned, honest and helpful!
He looks at your chart before the reading and does deep research so when the reading begins, he can go a lot farther and give you information much more so than with other astrologers. 
He has a unique point of view that other astrologers don’t have. I used to  study Astrology and I’ve been to several bad astrologers that were a waste of my time and money. Then I found Daniel, who helped me understand the bigger picture of my life and it has given me great peace of mind. I understand where I am in my life cycle and everything just came together with my reading.
Thank you, Daniel! You are the best!

–S Florence, OR

Hi Daniel, 
I just re-listened to the recording again and am blown away by it.
I got even more this second time.
Thank you again for your insights. 
–FZ Tallahassee, FL

I have had 2 readings with Daniel. Both were life changing and beautiful things are unfolding. The more I align myself with the advice of Daniel using the gifts of my chart, the better I become. My power is much stronger and higher frequency. I have to do the work but Daniel pointed out tools and signposts. Well worth it.
–Tina N.

Presenter for Kepler College

Book your reading now

Daniel Fiverson




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