Evolutionary Astrology describes the journey of the Soul from lifetime to lifetime.
The unique, multidimensional design of planets, stars, and asteroids at the moment of birth contains the symbolic encapsulation of the Past, Present, and Probable Future.
Evolutionary Astrology is a modern, transpersonal, depth psychology, and Soul-centered approach to the ancient craft of astrology. The work builds upon and adds a spiritual perspective to its foundation in traditional Western Astrology.
Evolution is a fact. It is not a theory.
The natal birth chart is a snapshot of the celestial energies that are present at the moment we are born. It contains the entire set of information pertaining to the cycle of lessons that we have brought with us into this lifetime and are working on going forward.
Our birth chart also holds the memories and impressions of past accomplishments as the gifts that we have brought with us into this lifetime.
Pluto in the Birth Chart: The Soul’s Dual Desire Nature
Pluto in a birth chart correlates to the Soul – the Wave that instinctively separates from the Ocean of Source, All-That-Is, God/Goddess, or however you perceive the Higher Power that is the Creative force of the Universe.
The Soul’s core desire is security. Pluto correlates to where we will find our greatest security.
Pluto correlates to our karma and DNA — necessities for the self-actualization process. Karma is simply the choices we make. We reap what we sow. Cause and effect. It is neither punishment nor retribution, simply the “unfinished business” carried over into this lifetime.
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The Soul has a dual desire nature. The first desire of the Soul is to separate from Source and to experience the Self from every possible perspective and experience. In essence, this is the Soul learning about itSelf.
As a wave, an illusion of separation is created. The wave no longer sees itself as part of the Ocean but only as the wave.
“The wave is the same as the ocean, though it is not the whole ocean. So each wave of creation is a part of the eternal Ocean of Spirit. The Ocean can exist without the waves, but the waves cannot exist without the Ocean.”
~~ Paramahansa Yogananda
Progressively, the Soul exhausts one, separating desire after another, relationships and sexuality, material possessions of every imaginable kind, beauty, and artistic creativity, family, power, career… the list goes on and on. As each desire is fulfilled a temporary sense of satisfaction is achieved, but then an even bigger satisfaction is needed.
Ultimately the realization arises…
“There must be something more than this.”
Security is sought through saturation with Earthly experience — learning through. the five senses and direct emotional experience about gender, culture, ethnicity, religion, poverty, wealth, health, illness, etc.
–Teilhard de Chardin
The Soul sees that none of the prizes and awards of the material world, no achievement or acquisition is as fulfilling or satisfying as expected.
As this awareness increases, the second, very singular desire of the Soul begins to emerge— remembering that the wave is part of the ocean and that the ocean is within the wave.
The realization comes that the only true fulfillment is the awareness of one’s connection to Source, and to seek security only through that connection. The process is very gradual. It does not happen in one day, one year, or even in one lifetime. The dual desires are constantly in a delicate balance. Eventually, the balance tips.
Someone once asked Ram Dass, “How long does it take to attain spiritual enlightenment?” He answered (paraphrased)
” Imagine a mountain, 4 miles high, 4 miles wide, 4 miles deep. Once a year an eagle flies over the top holding a piece of silk in his talon that brushes the top of the mountain. How long will it take for the mountain to be worn down?”
–Ram Dass
We have two egos, Soul Ego and the subjective ego. The evolutionary path forward is toward the balance and unity of the two.
The Relationship between Mars and Pluto
To begin with, Mars and Pluto share rulership of the sign of Scorpio. Mars was the ruler until the discovery of Pluto in 1930.
Pluto carries the Soul’s deepest unconscious security desires. Mars represents how the individual consciously acts to fulfill those deepest (Pluto) desires. Mars is considered to be the lower octave of Pluto. Pluto says, “Jump!” Mars says, “How high?”
For this reason, Mars is the leading edge of our evolution. Mars correlates to what we consciously pursue instinctively, relative to Pluto’s core needs for security.
We engage emotionally with each of our desires as we experience them. This is the Soul learning about itself, what it needs, and what has meaning. In cycles of lifetimes, we work through sets of lessons. From lifetime to lifetime, we pick up where we left off.
Evolutionary States
According to Jeff Green, there are three main evolutionary states — consensus state, individuated state, and spiritualized state. Each of the states is comprised of three substages. An individual may be working solely through one evolutionary state or transitioning from one state to the next.
Since we are conscious, we are not “pinned” to a single point in this evolutionary spectrum. It is more like playing a chord on a piano, several notes at a time across the wide expanse of possible notes to play — across an arc of the potentials of human consciousness.
Perhaps we are holding onto something that we still enjoy physically or still need to find acceptance and approval among our peers (consensus) while we are individuating or even spiritualizing.
It is important to note that an individual’s evolutionary state cannot be determined simply by reading the chart alone. The chart can only be understood from the actual context of an individual’s life story. The planetary archetypes have a wide spectrum of expression. For instance, the impact of the planet Neptune or the sign of Pisces in a chart could indicate poetic visions or chronic alcoholism. The chart itself does not reveal which. Only observation and correlation, dialogue, and anecdotal conversation can begin to solve the astrological puzzle of the natal birth chart.
Understanding the evolutionary state of the person seeking the reading, by observation and correlation, reveals how the archetypes are being expressed in a particular lifetime. The evolutionary state of the Soul determines the dynamics of each archetypal theme. For instance, we know that Pisces can be either the visionary or the lunatic, and anything in between. This cannot be determined from the chart alone. The chart must be correlated to the life experiences of the individual.
Consensus State
Consensus state comprises approximately 70% of the people on the planet. Jeffrey called this the “herd mentality” state. An individual in consensus state finds security in being like everyone else. They want to “get ahead,”…” learn how to play the game,”…“keep up with the Joneses.”
In 3rd stage consensus (at the top of this consensus state) are the people running the world, the bankers, the kings, religious leaders, the lawmakers, political leaders, captains of industry, etc. Over many lifetimes they “have figured it all out”. Not only have they figured out “how to play the game,” they are making the rules. Even as we achieve a maximum financial and/or social status, we still do not feel secure. We fear that, somehow we will lose it all. We begin to ask ourselves…
There must be something more…
Individuals who are consensus evolving into the individuated state will dress the same as everyone else, keep their day job, and continue a normal appearance. But at night, attend an astrology talk, have a tarot reading, or perhaps explore meditation and Eastern teachings.
Consensus evolutionary state correlates to Saturn, Capricorn, and the 10th House. Security is being like everyone else. Fitting into the framework of society easily and learning to navigate it heights. According to Jeffrey Wolf Green, 70% of the Earth’s population are in a consensus state.
Individuated State
After many lifetimes of accepting cultural and societal conditioning, the Soul realizes that the true nature of reality is different from what our parents, teachers, religious leaders, kings, and political leaders have told us.
Carl Jung called this the process of Individuation.
“I will try to explain the term “individuation” as simply as possible. By it, I mean the psychological process that makes a human being an “individual,” -a unique, indivisible unit, or “whole man.”
C.Jung The Meaning of Individuation
They stop believing in “the party line” and question authority to come to their conclusions about the nature of the world. They are the rebels, the innovators… the free and independent thinkers.
In the Individuated third stage of this evolutionary state are the poets, the artists, and the visionaries – the creative force inspiring humanity to reach higher. This group comprises approximately 20 percent of the planet.
The Individuated State correlates to Uranus, Aquarius, and the 11 House. The crystallization of thought and belief that occurred in consensus state is interrupted, perhaps even shattered, questioning what is true or real through direct emotional experience.
As a result of the questioning of the nature of reality, and the freedom to think as an individual, the Soul begins to understand that there are Natural Laws that are absolute and true outside of time and space – Laws of Nature that are true in any time frame of history or culture.
Spiritualized State
As we begin to understand and live according to natural law, we begin to return to Source.
Spiritual in this context does not mean religious. Most of the world’s great religions belong to the consensus state – evidenced by the patriarchal conditioning that has persisted for the last 6000 years. Spiritualizing souls comprise a mere 3-5% of the planet’s population.
The Spiritualized State correlates to Neptune, Pisces, and the 12th House. This is the Reconnection. According to David Hawkins, author of Power v. Force, the power of human consciousness is so great that in the total history of the planet, only a handful of individuals – Buddha, Jesus, Moses, Yogananda, and Gandhi, to name a couple, the truly self-realized Masters, have upheld all of mankind. These are 3rd stage Spiritual Souls.
The Soul’s Evolutionary Intention
Our birth chart reveals our evolutionary axis and our individual life path forward. All of the astrological archetypes are polarities according to the Hermetic principle of The Law of Polarities—knowledge left to us by the Ancients. The polarity point of Pluto, the opposite point in the birth chart, correlates to the resolution of life’s lessons and our evolutionary intentions.
The South Node of the Moon and its ruler reveal the emotional nature of how those personal dynamics and processes have functioned in the past. The Lunar North Node and its ruler point toward our probable future. A future that is seeded but only fulfilled by choices (Mars) made in the present.
The Soul/Higher Self has chosen the circumstances and the relationships we will meet in each lifetime before birth. Free will is expressed by how we respond to those circumstances and relationships when they show up.
It’s all good. It is not what happens to us. It is about how we respond to what happens that makes it “good” or “bad.
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Everything is in a constant state of change, and evolution. We need to acknowledge that Creation itself is still evolving. If not, then how could a perfect creator create anything that is so perfectly imperfect as our world?
The answer is the Creator is evolving with and through us. We are truly stardust. Just like the river knows the way to the sea, our Soul knows the way home.