Aries Solar Eclipse (Transcript)

Welcome to this Eclipse edition of the Astrological Weather Report. 

My name is Daniel Fiverson. I am a certified evolutionary astrologer of the Evolutionary Astrology Network, taught by Kim Marie Weiner, and I am also trained in the Jeffrey Wolf Green School of Evolutionary Astrology.

I publish frequent Astrological Weather Reports here in EA Zoom, on Facebook, and my website,

I appreciate and encourage your feedback. Feel free to email me directly at

On April 20th, 2023, at 12:30 am EDT, the first of two eclipses, a hybrid eclipse, will occur at 29° Aries 50’. This eclipse is part of Saros cycle 129 and will be visible in Asia, Australia, and the Philippines. I will record the forecast for the lunar eclipse in a few days.

The last eclipse in this series occurred in April 2005. 

That month the first YouTube video was uploaded. 

That year: 

  • North Korea announced they had nuclear weapons. 
  • Prince Charles married Camilla Parker Bowles. 
  • Hurricane Katrina devastated the US Gulf Coast. 
  • Angela Merkel became the first female chancellor of Germany.

As this total eclipse occurs, 

  • US Special Forces are “boots on the ground” in Ukraine. 
  • Donald Trump has been indicted in New York on 34 felony counts connected to his role in paying hush money to a porn star. 
  • A federal investigation, now in the hands of a special counsel, is investigating his efforts to reverse his defeat at the polls in 2020 and his role in the events that led to the storming of the Capitol by his supporters on Jan. 6, 2021. 
  • The special counsel is also looking at his handling of classified materials found at his home in Florida. 
  • A Georgia prosecutor is in the final stages of an investigation into Donald Trump’s attempts to reverse the election results in that state. 
  • China has been practicing the invasion of Taiwan, beginning with practicing cutting undersea internet cables in advance of an assault on the island. 
  • Another US Supreme Court Justice has been exposed to questionable ethics. 
  • And gun violence in the United States continues to escalate. 

Significantly, this eclipse occurs at the final degree of Aries. This anaretic degree greatly intensifies the event and necessitates the resolution of any issue still “hanging fire” relative to the Aries archetype. 

Aries is the cardinal expression of the Fire element. It is Yang, energy moving outward from the center. It is active, positive, bright, hard, male, dry, daytime, upward seeking, and restless. Aries represents the original anxiety of separation from the womb. The sign on the Ascendant, the house that Aries rules, and the house and sign that Mars is in all correlate to the phenomenon of becoming.  

Aries is the initiatory phase of the self-actualization process. It correlates to birth, the instinctive, non-cognitive beginning of life. Ruled by the planet Mars, Aries is associated with anger, rage, and war. It can express as violence, impatience, and narcissism. It correlates to desires, sexual instinct, the need for freedom and independence, and personal initiative. It manifests as the pioneer, warrior, explorer, and destroyer. 

—paraphrased from the Jeffrey Wolf Green School of Evolutionary Astrology

At this powerful new Moon, Jupiter, Eris, Chiron, and asteroid Astraea, join the Sun and Moon in Aries. Jupiter is conjunct Eris, the Greek goddess of Strife and Discord, a volatile combination. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and enlarges whatever it touches. Some astrologers like to frame Jupiter as beneficent, making things better. Jupiter makes everything bigger, not necessarily better.

Eris is held culpable for the onset of the Trojan War. A number of Greek playwrights and authors hold Helen of Troy responsible as “the face that launch’d a thousand ships, and burnt the topless towers of Ilium.” The eventual outcome of that tragic event was the founding of the Roman Empire when Aeneas, a Trojan royal, sailed to Italia and married into the royal lineage. His future generation founded the city of Rome and the culture it produced, which is still vibrant today after more than 2000 years. 

Astraea was the virgin goddess of innocence and purity. During the Golden Age, she dwelt upon the earth with mankind but was driven away by the increasing lawlessness of the subsequent Bronze Age. Zeus then set her amongst the stars as the constellation Virgo. Astraea was closely identified with the goddesses Dike (Justice) and Nemesis (Rightful Indignation).

Chiron, known as the “wounded healer,” was the mentor to all Greek Classical Age heroes. Wounds that activate homeopathic healing modalities can be inflicted for festering individual and collective illnesses. 

At the lunation, the luminaries are conjunct asteroid Vesta and the Lunar North Node in the early degrees of Taurus. Vesta correlates to our authenticity and sacred commitment to self. 

Eclipses are breakdowns or breakthrough events. Significant people enter and leave the planet when the celestial portals are open during the four-week eclipse period. 

At the eclipse, the Sun and Moon make a tight out-of-sign first quarter “crisis in action” square to Pluto at the zero degree point of Aquarius. The zero degree of any sign is the astrological point that is a saturated archetypal concentration, not yet diluted by interaction with the following sign. This contrasts the anaretic degree, which has nearly completed progressing through the archetype and is at the final transition point.

Pluto at 0° Aquarius squares the lunar nodes in Taurus and Scorpio. Pluto rules the Lunar South Node. In Evolutionary Astrology, a planet squaring the nodes is called a “skipped step.” Something essential for evolutionary development has been bypassed and must now be addressed and resolved. The archetype of Aquarius is about objectivity and mental clarity. Pluto is about the handling of power. Power has been misused. It has been given away or taken away. By the Scorpio full moon lunar eclipse, Pluto’s opposition to strategist Pallas Athene will reveal, through dramatic, emotionally charged events, where we need to get at arm’s length with the current status of our world and recognize where the work needs to be done to heal the energetic imbalances in the world around us. 

The ruler of this eclipse, Mars, is in Cancer, the repository of our self-image. Ruled by the Moon, Cancer correlates to the emotional body. Mars correlates to the choices we make. The Lunar North Node is an array of probable futures. What we choose in the present, influenced by our innate emotional nature, determines which future will manifest. 

The concentration of celestial energies in Aries and Taurus can feel overwhelming. Our instinctual “stuff” is being exhumed and percolates to the surface; self-interest, self-importance, self-reliance. Mercury conjunct Uranus in Taurus, underscored by ruled by Venus in Gemini, can overwhelm cognitive awareness causing cognitive dissonance. Survival feels threatened. Jupiter stresses Neptune. Opinion masquerades as fact and becomes a belief. 

All of these celestial conditions, the anaretic degree of the lunation, the archetype of Aries and Mars, the underlying emotional nature of the Moon and Cancer, Pluto squaring the Lunar Nodes, Jupiter and Eris, and the correlating influences of the conjoined asteroids suggest a deep transformational emotional event with long-term influence on the future. 

Volatility runs high over the next few weeks. World events totter on the edge of a precipice. In our own lives, we fear the dice are loaded and come up “snake eyes.” 

The Hopis tell us climate change, war, and pestilence are happening because man is out of balance with nature. Our world is increasingly being surrounded by lawlessness, Dystopia, the moon that circles Eris and one of her children. This correlates directly with the mythology of the Roman goddess Astraea who was driven away by the increasing lawlessness.

The Fourth World is ending, but this time the Fifth World is emerging simultaneously. We will not have to go underground as we did 12,000 years ago. We are the ones we have been waiting for. Get back in your body and remember to breathe. We are stardust, children of the stars, and all of the cosmos is within us. Make it a necessity to spend time where there are no city lights. Gaze up at the wonder of what surrounds us. We are not flesh and blood. We are Light.

If you want to learn more about Eclipses:

If you would like to know more about what Hopi prophesy tells us: