Venus in Cancer

Love Yourself

Venus, the planet of relationships, ingressed Cancer yesterday, May 7, 2023. It will travel through the Moon’s sign until June 5th. Venus rules two signs of the zodiac. Her outer Yang rulership is expressed through the sign of Libra. Her inner Yin rulership is expressed through the sign of Taurus. Libra brings us into a relationship with others. Taurus brings us into a relationship with ourselves. At the ingress, Mercury, the Sun, Uranus, Asteroid Astraea, and the Lunar North Node all occupy the sign of Taurus. The predominance of six astrological points in Taurus and the Moon’s rulership of Venus suggests that the next thirty days should be focused on our self-development, self-nurturing, and self-forgiveness.

We have come through a strenuous, challenging pair of eclipses. Use the next month to regroup emotionally. A grand trine to Venus from Saturn in Pisces and the Lunar South Node in Scorpio advocates taking responsibility for ourselves with a renewed understanding of what has rattled our cages. Ceres stationed direct in Virgo provides strong support for shamanic journeying down into our underworld to work on what has been sequestered there.

Pluto applies to a partile inconjunct to Venus, necessitating a course change in the direction we intend to go. This does not imply letting go of our intentions, only reconsidering how we are going about it or the expectations we might have regarding when those intentions will manifest. The Lunar Nodes are slowly moving into orb of a square with Pluto. This condition is known in Evolutionary Astrology as a “skipped step.” Something from the past has been neglected, skipped over, and left unresolved, impacting the frictionless unfolding of the future. This condition will persist for the rest of 2023, finally moving out of orb in January next year. A major shift to this karmic dynamic will occur in mid-July as the lunar nodes ingress Aries and Libra. This is perhaps a prelude to deeper work on the self, what we attract, and our relationship with everything and everyone around us

A grand cross is drawn in the sky as Pluto squares Jupiter conjunct Eris and opposes Mars, conjunct Black Moon Lilith. The current meetup of Jupiter and Eris in Aries will initiate a restlessness that may impede progress in the long run. The incidents of strife and discord will widen. Mars and Lilith are a volatile combination of anger, aggression, and outlaw behavior. 

Cancer is about safety and security. Taurus is the recognition of what is essential for survival. If the last few years have taught us anything, it is that no one is coming to save us. We must save ourselves. The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat sustain us. It can either make us sick or make us healthy. Mars in Cancer is encouraging us to make healthy choices. 

Ancient Hopi prophesy tells us that we are experiencing cataclysms because Mankind has gone out of balance with Nature. The Earth is creating climate change. A simple medicine is available to us to reconnect with the cosmos. Find someplace with no city light for an evening or even longer and gaze at the night sky. The brilliance of infinity surrounds us. It is cosmic penicillin.