The Oldest Science
Evolutionary Astrology is a Soul-centered approach to understanding your Soul’s journey from lifetime to lifetime. It correlates to the concept of reincarnation. From lifetime to lifetime, we pick up where we left off. Perhaps Time is not sequential at all, rather that it is linear! Someone once asked G_d, “Why did you create Time?” He or She answered, “So that everything would not happen at once.”
Though everything in the Universe appears to be composed of matter, Albert Einstein showed us that everything is energy. We are connected energetically to everything and everyone around us.
Astrology is not a religion. It is a science, perhaps the oldest science on the planet. Understanding the movement of the stars and planets has permeated human experience from the earliest recorded times. As early as Sumer, six thousand years ago, learned scholars observed the heavens. Astrology was integral to the Egyptian, Greek, and Roman civilizations. During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, astrologers advised the ruling houses of Europe.
Astrology is an inherent component of the major world religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Christianity. The magi, magicians/astrologers followed the Star of Bethlehem to the birth of Jesus. The Hebrew calendar is built on the cycle of the Moon.
Astrology has had a resurgence since the late 19th Century. It is active worldwide in astrological schools, organizations, and thousands of practitioners correlating the planets’ movement to human experience.
The planets and stars do not control us; they merely reflect us. As above, so, below.
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.