On June 3rd, a Full Moon at 13° Sagittarius 18’ illuminates the sky at 11:41 pm EDT. The archetype of Sagittarius links us to that which is greater than ourselves. Sagittarius is higher learning in every sense of the word. Its restless wanderlust takes us on long journeys and pilgrimages in the search for truth, albeit often a personal truth. Sagittarius is shamanism and natural law. It is often the shaman, the guru, and can also be the silver-tongued devil.
The Moon correlates to our self-image, our ego, and how we see ourselves. This lunation will take us on an inner journey to revisit or rediscover our individuality and authenticity as the Sun travels with asteroid Vesta and ground shaker Uranus.
Jupiter, the planet said to rule Sagittarius, is in close company with the Lunar North Node in Taurus. Sagittarius is the final stage of self-actualization. Our vision of the future is expanded as if a telescope is held up and it can see the future. It is our future self that is the object of our attention. Whom are we becoming? What is the “mise en scène,” the setting of our future selves? If you were to write a play about yourself that takes place five years in the future, where would you be living? What would you be doing? Who would be there with you? Your higher mind has these answers. Let that part of yourself be the chooser.
Pluto’s 20+ year-long transit through Aquarius portends a radical transformation of the world around us directed by the planet of becoming Uranus. We are just at the incipient stage of that journey. This lunation opens the door to let in a sliver of light of what is to come. What is the future you are dreaming? Awaken to that dream.