As 2024 emerges, we will feel a shift in the field. Jupiter in Taurus stations direct today, December 30th, 2023. Mercury in Sagittarius stations direct on Tuesday, January 2nd. Jupiter is the current ruler of Mercury, symbiotically connecting the right brain (Jupiter) and the left brain (Mercury). Jupiter and Venus are in each other’s sign, known as mutual reception, blending and sharing their energies, though Jupiter in Taurus is uncomfortably saturated with earthbound elementals, cauterized and wanting to be tamed by the Sun in Capricorn at the station direct. Mars is in close company with Mercury in Jupiter’s experiential sign of Sagittarius, adding fuel and expanding the fire. Jupiter is still coming to terms with a powerful encounter with Pluto. Human interactions tend to be dramatic, vocal, raucous, and potentially explosive. Veracity, justice, commitment, and compassionate care will be on the agenda. Emotional support is available if we review our options and make different, healthier choices mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Observe and consider ideas and impulses that show up unexpectedly.
These frequencies will continue to unfold over the next few weeks. Expect emotionally charged situations as the Moon meets up with Mercury and Mars on January 9th and around the Capricorn New Moon on January 11th. The lunation is in close company with Pluto at the final degree of Capricorn. Perceived injustices make us feel somehow exiled. Our higher mind will get downloads from our higher self that speak to fidelity, commitment, justice, wounding, and self-responsibility issues. Listen to that still, small voice. And your heart.