Mercury in Capricorn perfects to squares to the Aries/Libra lunar nodes on Saturday, January 26. Mars in Capricorn perfects to squares to the lunar nodes on Sunday. On Monday, Uranus in Taurus stations direct.
What these three transits have in common is activist Uranus, now the planetary ruler of Pluto in Aquarius. Mercury and Mars stabilize one angle of an Earth Grand Trine, Uranus anchors another, and asteroid Juno retrograde and Black Moon Lilith in Virgo occupy the third. Mercury separates from a partile conjunction with Mars. Both personal inner planets apply to a waxing first quarter trine to Uranus and a waning last quarter trine to Juno retrograde, which applies to balsamic conjunction to Lilith conjunct in Virgo.

We need to change our thinking, letting go of what we think is true and allowing a new understanding to take root. Then, we must make different life choices based on that new understanding. This is a non-negotiable agenda.
I speak frequently about the skipped step condition of a planet squaring the lunar nodes. Something from the past has been “skipped over,” placed on the back burner, avoided, or denied for various reasons.
The resolution for both inner planets rests with the Libra Lunar South Node. The past must not just be reconciled but healed. Forward direction must be irrevocably altered from the past.
A zero-tolerance condition commands that the past cannot be repeated. Progress must go forward under a new banner that signals peace, unity, and community. Ego self-interest must surrender to the needs of the collective. Man-made law must evolve into natural law. The dominance of mankind on the planet must recognize the greater dominion of the natural world, all the creatures that inhabit the forests, the oceans, the deserts, the plains, and the mountains.
Chiron in Aries receives a “glancing blow” crisis-inducing inconjunct from Black Moon Lilith. To a great degree, mankind is “exiled” from nature, mostly inhabiting terrain paved with concrete and asphalt beneath skies that are never dark due to artificial light.
Pluto in Aquarius has gale-force winds from Uranus at its back, with Jupiter out ahead in Earthly Taurus, encouraging forward progress. Pluto’s mission is inscribed with all these inner planet directives to create a sacred community on the planet. The crisis we are experiencing will continue to demonstrate that humanity is not necessarily acting as the most intelligent creature on the planet. The intent is to lose the compulsion to see the planet as something to be stripped of its mineral wealth for “instant gratification” and to recognize the Earth as an essential self-sustaining life-support system, a sanctuary that is the source of infinite life-giving sustenance.
I appreciate the points in this essay, although I would like to read further info from you in time.