Aquarius Full Moon (August 2024)

War Drums

A full moon will occur at 27° Aquarius 15’ on August 19th at 2:25 EDT. It is called the Sturgeon Moon. The Maine Farmer’s Almanac began publishing Native American names for full Moons in the 1930s, and these names have become widely known and used. According to this almanac, the Algonquin tribes in what is now the northeastern USA called this the Sturgeon Moon after the large fish that were more easily caught this time of year in the Great Lakes and other major bodies of water. 

This full moon is also a supermoon. As it’s used today, the word supermoon was coined by astrologer Richard Nolle in 1979. According to Nolle’s definition, a full moon or new moon is a supermoon when it’s also within 90% of its closest point to Earth.1

At the full moon, Uranus in Taurus will perfect to a fixed element T-Square in that celestial moment. Uranus is the game-changer, manifesting what is unexpected, often traumatic, but usually progressive with long-term positive effects.  Pluto retrograde in Aquarius squares the Sun and Moon, forming a partile (exact) fixed element T-square. Pluto, along with Neptune retrograde in Pisces, forms a “finger of god” Yod formation focused on the Leo Sun. These powerful outer planet dynamics create deep emotional rhythms, swirling pooled eddies of fears and memories of holocausts past. Human behavior echoes these tremors with “stranger than fiction” reenactment. 

Saturn retrograde in Pisces opposes Venus in Virgo. They both square Mars-Jupiter in Gemini, forming a mutable T-square. Clashing views and opinions challenge ideas, beliefs, values, priorities, and authority itself. 

Pallas Athene in Scorpio completes a fourth angle to the Pluto-Sun-Moon T-square, forming a fixed grand cross. Fixed crosses correlate to the long-term build-up of unreleased tensions. 

Pallas is also the focal point of a “finger of God” Yod formation from Mars and Chiron retrograde in Aries. Mars is just beginning to separate from a new phase conjunction with Jupiter in Gemini. Mars is the god, and Pallas Athene is the goddess of War. Jupiter pulls their strings from “on high,” expanding and directing their roles. These two powerful Yods will act as a trigger mechanism to release the pent-up energetic stresses that have been building over time.

Mars and Jupiter are conjunct fixed star Aldebaran, which is linked with integrity and honesty. Aldebaran is one of the Royal Stars of Persia, called the “Watcher in the East.” Aldebaran was a great military god who gave victories to his followers, but only if they followed the strict procedures of his worship.2 

This angular pressure from the Grand Cross and the Yods, as well as the potential for conflagration from the fire energy embedded in the explosive nature of Aries and Mars, the amplified erratic nature of Pluto at 0° Aquarius, the expansive dynamics of Jupiter are a recipe for a firestorm of disaster.

Guns are drawn and ready to be fired around the world. In the Middle East, the situation is ripe for explosive release between Israel and Iran, with the US engaged militarily as well. The incursion of Ukraine troops into Russia is still unfolding, and given the unpredictability, egotism, and intractability of Vladimir Putin, the situation is a powder keg. Threat-filled Chinese posturing vis-a-vis Taiwan and the South China Seas is also a ticking timebomb. 

In the United States, with the US election only months away, the potential is rapidly developing that the outcome for Kamala Harris to deliver a historical turnout and potential win. It no longer seems to be so much a question of who will be elected. The burgeoning outcome presages the “firestorm” threatened by Donald Trump as the aftermath. 

It is important to remember and hold onto the truth that these metamorphoses are the karmic necessities, the harbingers of a major planetary evolutionary shift. As human beings, we do not grow through mental exercise. We learn through direct emotional experience. It will be okay in the end. If it is not okay, it is because it is not the end.


2 Brady’s Book of Fixed Stars, Bernadette Brady, (York Beach ME, Samuel Weiser, 1998), p.233