Today, August 15th, 2023, Donald Trump and 18 allies were indicted on RICO charges by Georgia grand jury. RICO stands for Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, created to combine multiple criminal acts for organized crime into a single case. This is the fourth and most serious of the pending judicial cases against the former president.
The implications of this event will reverberate forward and backward through history and will transform the unfolding future of the United States. This monumental judicial event occurred at the onset of a new lunar cycle. The new moon and full moon charts reflect intense karmic/evolutionary influences on the country’s present and future, reflecting a timeline that stretches back to the country’s earliest days, born in revolution and tempered into union by civil war.

- The Leo New Moon of August 16th, 2023, closely conjoins the US Lunar North Node in Leo, opposing the US South Node in Aquarius.
- The transiting Aries Lunar North Node conjunct rogue personality Eris in Aries forms partile Last Quarter Trine to the US Lunar North Node. It separates from a partile Last Quarter Sextile to the Lunar South Node. The transiting Libra Lunar South Node applies to a Balsamic Conjunction to the US Moon in Libra. The US Moon applies to a Crescent Sextile to the US Lunar North Node completing a Mystic Rectangle configuration.
The lunar nodes are the karmic evolutionary trajectory from the past to the future. The lunar south node holds the emotional reverberation from the past. The past has already happened, but its effects are still in the zeitgeist, mostly below the surface of awareness. The lunar north node is a probable future to be determined by choices made in the present influenced by the current Libra Moon. The lessons are listening to the essential needs of others and finding balance, unity, and commonality.
- Transiting Pluto applies to US Pluto in Capricorn conjunct asteroid Vesta, intensifying the current US Pluto Return.
- Transiting Neptune retrograde in Pisces applies to a Full Phase Opposition to US Neptune, the condition it was in at the attack on Fort Sumpter in 1861 and the onset of the American Civil War.
These are strong indications that history is repeating itself. The issues of human rights, freedom of expression, “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” are on the agenda.
- Transiting Uranus in Taurus applies (within 2°) to a Fixed T-Square with the stationed retrograde US Lunar Nodal axis.
- Transiting Uranus separates from a partile fated Septile to the US Sun in Cancer.
- Transiting Uranus is only one year from being in orb of the US Uranus Return.
A new cycle of tearing down what has become crystallized is underway. Uranus is the planetary archetype of rebellion and revolution. We have always thought that revolution would come from the progressive Left. The inconvenient truth is that not only is it the right that feels disenfranchised, but for the most part, they are the ones with the guns.
- Transiting Mars in Virgo separates from a New Phase Conjunction to US Neptune, days away from a Mars Return.
Mars is the God of War. Aries, ruled by Mars, correlates to self-interest and non-cognitive impulsive reaction. Virgo is the archetype of “growth through crisis” brought about by direct emotional experience.
- The New Moon applies to a Balsamic Conjunction to Transiting Venus in Leo, the ruler of the US Chart (Libra rising).
This has an overarching effect on the general population and their common welfare.
- Transiting Jupiter in Taurus separates from Last Quarter “crisis in consciousness” Square to US Mercury, ruler of the US 9th House (the judicial system) and the US 12th House (hidden enemies).
- Transiting Saturn in Pisces retrograde applies to a Balsamic Conjunction to US Lunar South Node.
The time has come to take responsibility, re-image what has happened, and learn from past mistakes.
- Transiting and US Pluto are applying to a Balsamic Conjunction to transiting Eris retrograde in Aries.
Eris is an evolutionary catalyst. Nine perfections of Eris to US Pluto will occur from 2026 to 2030. They will continue to move in and out of square to each other for another 32 years until 2052.
Most of these conditions will persist at the Pisces Full Moon on August 30th, 2023.

- The full moon forms a Mutable T-Square with US Uranus.
An indication of more than usual public unrest.
- The Pisces Moon will separate from a New Phase Conjunction to Saturn.
- A crisis-laden Yod, “Finger of God,” points US Venus and the Lunar North Node from Neptune retrograde in Pisces and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn.
This indicates intense pressures on the population’s mood as a result of the emergence of subconscious insecurities about the future.
- Jupiter applies to a fated partile Crescent Septile to the US Sun.
Destiny meets the US justice system.
- Mars applies to a partile New Phase Conjunction to US Saturn.
Opportunities arise for new choices that fulfill the promise of
“Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
I will leave it to the reader to intuitively discern the future of our country and the world at large. Like the times of the American Revolution, and the Civil War, foreign agencies are watching events in this country with an eye to what is to their best advantage. We must find a source of trust and understanding of the unfolding events. I can only add that “Man plans, and God laughs.” Take that for what it is worth.
Well Done…
Thank you!