There are multiple versions of the birth chart of the United States. Mostly hearsay, little actual data establish the “true” date and time of our country’s birthday. I use the date and time when we declared war against our mother country and ceased being colonies. Not everyone agrees with that. What all the charts do share is a date in early July. A full moon occurs at 11° Capricorn 18’ as North Americans begin to celebrate their national birthday. Full moons are release points and manifestations. Any police force will tell you things can get dicey at a full moon.
The Moon is conjunct Jupiter’s south node. The Cancer Sun conjoins Jupiter’s north node and Mercury. The issues that swirl through our current zeitgeist revolve around ancestral patterning and security. At the core are ideas that force-feed beliefs. Personal truths are acted out with self-appointed legitimacy.
This lunation brings into focus what is collectively held captive from the past, bigotry, misogyny, patriarchy, and racial intolerance. The United States was born in bloodshed. The last pinnacle of this bellicose behavior occurred as neighbors took up arms against neighbors during the American Civil War. More fathers, brothers, and sons died at Gettysburg than on D-Day. This inherent aberrant behavior has recently splintered and spread as gun violence which used to be random and sporadic and is in the news almost daily.
Saturn in Pisces rules this full moon. Self-authorized emotions run wild. Boundaries are crossed.
Neptune underscores Saturn’s self-importance by releasing the furies of collective beliefs. Neptune just turned retrograde and is standing still in the sky, drilling down like the Sun through a magnifying glass, igniting emotional fevers that have spilled over into the streets.
Mars, Venus, and asteroid Pallas Athene, all in extremely close company, are in self-actualizing Leo and are generating personal strategies that act out individualized agendas.
Jupiter, the planet that tends to blow things way out of proportion, is in a favorable relationship with the Moon at the core of the emotional tidal wave.
According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, “The full Moon in July is called the Buck Moon because the male deer (bucks) antlers are in full growth mode. Bucks shed and regrow their antlers each year, producing a larger and more impressive set as the years pass.” We could see the street littered with many spent antlers by the time this holiday ends.
Please, be safe, be patient, and do what my grandmother always cautioned me to do. Look both ways at every intersection.