Astrological Weather Report

February Forecast

New Self-Empowered Beginnings

This month is saturated by hyperactive Aquarian energy, even later as the Sun moves into Pisces. We generally perceive the deep waters of Pisces as soothing and comforting.  This month, the primal energies around us are not likely to be soothed by calm waters. Besides inner calm, Pisces also brings uncertainty, overwhelmed with confusion, and teetering on a precipice. This month’s cosmic energies will be a heady mix of Aquarian non-conformity, Uranian disruption, rogue behavior from Eris, and Plutonian karmic release.

As they transit through Capricorn, all three personal inner planets,  Mercury, Venus, and Mars, will experience a stressful last quarter square with Eris in Aries. Eris is a “no holds barred” personality. But her anger is not random or without forethought. Her unbridled wrath is calculated, carefully considered, and consciously directed at whatever she perceives as injustice, inequity, or intolerance. 

On February 1st, Mercury in Capricorn perfected to a “crisis in consciousness” square to Eris, a term coined by Dane Rudhyar. Mars in Capricorn follows today, February 5th, as Venus in Capricorn squares Eris on February 11th. Capricorns often come across as staunchly confident and in control, but insecurity and bouts of depression can sometimes undermine that confidence. Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn works our agendas, seeking to accomplish and establish our program of directives and goals. Saturn, currently in Pisces, has the potential to get lost in insecurity. Each of the inner planets whose proximity is closest to the Earth will lay the groundwork for future development. Some will be forward-looking, some will not. 

Each planet has a wide range of expressions within the scope of its archetype, from distortion to enlightenment. Mercury expresses through our voice, its timbre, our vocabulary, and the narratives we tell ourselves and others. Venus maintains the agenda of our essential values and their resulting priorities. Mars initiates our choices, conduct, and behavior.

As the trio of personal planets move into Aquarius, one by one, they will conjoin Pluto, Mercury today on February 5th, Mars on February 14th, and Venus on February 22nd

Aquarius interrupts and disrupts the status quo, intending to replace the existing platforms and structures created by Saturn that are deemed outmoded. The conjunctions to Pluto initiate new self-empowering policies and agendas. There is potential for power struggles over agendas and methodologies.

The squares to Eris will produce crises that demand the resolution of unresolved issues and circumstances for matters close to us personally and collectively. The “glancing blows” to Eris could quickly become confrontational. Be careful of things said or done in anger or from feeling compartmentalized or ignored. The proximity of Eris to the Aries Lunar North Node potentiates the need for continued effort and attention to “work in the self.”.  Eris’s impact will most likely be unexpected and challenging, dramatically capturing our attention. 

A New Moon occurs a few days later on February 9th at 21° Aquarius. Uranus underscores the lunation in Taurus. The transit of Uranus through Taurus, Venus’s inner expression, corresponds to our relationship with ourselves and what is essential for survival. Its current transit has delivered non-negotiable awareness and crisis after crisis since the 2020s began. An Air Grand Trine links the luminaries with the Lunar South Node and the conjunction of asteroids Vesta and Astraea in Gemini. News headlines and conversations swirl around issues regarding personal authenticity and perceived injustice. A waning last quarter square from the Sun and Moon to Uranus “rattles our cage,” encouraging increased attention and self-reliance regarding maintaining whatever we deem essential for ourselves and the world. 

On February 22nd, Venus and Mars will conjoin at 7° Aquarius, beginning a new two-year relationship cycle. The conjunction separates from a new phase conjunction with Pluto. Relationships can find new objectivity, reactivate, be re-empowered, grow, and transform. New ways of sharing and balancing power can be realized.  Old habitual emotional patterns can be resolved and reworked. There is potential to learn how to nurture each other, our community, and the planet in new ways. A palpable sense of destiny permeates this celestial moment. Higher knowledge is available and accessible to help us grow emotionally and spiritually.   

The full moon occurs on February 24th at 6° Virgo. The Moon anchors an Earth Grand Trine with Jupiter in Taurus and Ceres in Capricorn. Our work on ourselves is supported and encouraged, as is taking responsibility for our self-care. Tune into and pay attention to your still, small voice within. Sidestep and defuse power struggles as they arise. Maintain your balance when others trigger you. Speak compassionately and truthfully. Accept responsibility for who you are, the good and the maybe not-so-good. Work toward a future that includes increased self-awareness. Find homeopathic remedies to heal what needs to be healed: body, mind, and soul. Create new forms of self-expression that express your sacred inner space.

Spaceship Earth is currently headed “Where no man has gone before.” Beam us up, Scotty. 

Natural Law Directives

Mercury in Capricorn perfects to squares to the Aries/Libra lunar nodes on Saturday, January 26. Mars in Capricorn perfects to squares to the lunar nodes on Sunday. On Monday, Uranus in Taurus stations direct. 

What these three transits have in common is activist Uranus, now the planetary ruler of Pluto in Aquarius. Mercury and Mars stabilize one angle of an Earth Grand Trine, Uranus anchors another, and asteroid Juno retrograde and Black Moon Lilith in Virgo occupy the third. Mercury separates from a partile conjunction with Mars. Both personal inner planets apply to a waxing first quarter trine to Uranus and a waning last quarter trine to Juno retrograde, which applies to balsamic conjunction to Lilith conjunct in Virgo. 

We need to change our thinking, letting go of what we think is true and allowing a new understanding to take root. Then, we must make different life choices based on that new understanding. This is a  non-negotiable agenda. 

I speak frequently about the skipped step condition of a planet squaring the lunar nodes. Something from the past has been “skipped over,” placed on the back burner, avoided, or denied for various reasons. 

The resolution for both inner planets rests with the Libra Lunar South Node. The past must not just be reconciled but healed. Forward direction must be irrevocably altered from the past. 

A zero-tolerance condition commands that the past cannot be repeated. Progress must go forward under a new banner that signals peace, unity, and community. Ego self-interest must surrender to the needs of the collective. Man-made law must evolve into natural law. The dominance of mankind on the planet must recognize the greater dominion of the natural world, all the creatures that inhabit the forests, the oceans, the deserts, the plains, and the mountains.

Chiron in Aries receives a “glancing blow” crisis-inducing inconjunct from Black Moon Lilith. To a great degree, mankind is “exiled” from nature, mostly inhabiting terrain paved with concrete and asphalt beneath skies that are never dark due to artificial light. 

Pluto in Aquarius has gale-force winds from Uranus at its back, with Jupiter out ahead in Earthly Taurus, encouraging forward progress. Pluto’s mission is inscribed with all these inner planet directives to create a sacred community on the planet. The crisis we are experiencing will continue to demonstrate that humanity is not necessarily acting as the most intelligent creature on the planet. The intent is to lose the compulsion to see the planet as something to be stripped of its mineral wealth for “instant gratification” and to recognize the Earth as an essential self-sustaining life-support system, a sanctuary that is the source of infinite life-giving sustenance. 

Distant Thunder

There is no question that right now, it’s a crazy, mixed-up world. Every day, the so-called “reality” throws us another curveball. Most of us are surviving. Some of us thrive. Some are feeling under siege from too many directions. Trust me, I get it.

So, how are we going to get through it? And how do we work with the news that things will most likely worsen? Please don’t shoot me. Call me Hermes. I am just the messenger. 

We must first understand, whether we think we deserve it or not, that we, as a planetary collective, have created the causes of the crises we are now experiencing. We have been making these militarized socioeconomic distortions as far back as anyone can remember. As a species, we learn and grow through direct emotional experience. That is precisely what we’re having right now.

I work with it facilitated by the technology of astrology. It is an inconvenient truth that too many people think that astrology is pseudoscience. Astrology works. The planets and stars tell a story of the past and the future. More importantly, they tell the story of the present. This moment. Now. Isn’t that all there is? 

Everything moves in cycles, from the traffic lights on the street corner to your daily metabolic processes to the intricately woven patterns of the heavens above us. These are all essential cycles that we need to navigate what we call reality. It could be the shadow cast by reality. It could be all a dream, and we are the dreamers. Are we so wasted in the dream that we don’t know we are dreaming? 

The Constellations, the luminaries, and the planets weave an intricate coded message in celestial braille.  The messages can only be read by those sensitive enough and who are trained to read them. At one time in the distant past, everyone could read it.

As a nation, the United States is witnessing the most intense political divisiveness since the Civil War. The world beyond our borders is also erupting, heating up to levels not seen in recent history.  

The transiting Libra lunar south node is applying to a waning, last quarter square to the US Sun in Cancer. The Aries lunar north node separates from a 1st quarter square to the US Sun. The lunar south node from the past holds us in its grip of past emotional behavior resulting from ancestral patterning and prenatal and early childhood experiences. The lunar north node holds the promise of the future but only a whispered promise. The decider is what we think, say, and do each moment. 

The lunar nodes are the evolutionary pathway between the past and the future. The natal Sun correlates to the country’s leader in mundane astrology, the astrology of nations. The Moon relates to the welfare of the general public and the people at large.

“The transiting lunar nodes square a natal planet correlates to a crossroad wherein the choices made then correlate with its evolutionary path leading to its future in some way.—Jeffrey Wolf Green”

Transiting Neptune in Pisces separates from a waning full phase opposition to US Neptune. They have been in the orb since 2016 and will remain in orb until 2026. They perfected to the opposition three times in 2020 and 2021. Neptune correlates to the country’s zeitgeist. 

The Oxford Dictionary defines zeitgeist as “the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time.” 

We have observed and lived through the turmoil and political debate. It is not a coincidence that this transit coincided with the presidency of Donald Trump, the emergence of QAnon, the concretion of the ultra-right wing, the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, and the extreme political polarization we are currently suffering. Not to mention COVID-19, which is still actively self-mutating. 

Right now, the lunar south node is partile conjunct the US Moon. On May 14, 2024, the lunar nodes will station direct, partile (exact) to the US Moon. The default direction of the lunar nodes is retrograde.  When the nodes station direct, it has the same effect as a planet stationing retrograde.

The Moon in Cancer is the ruler of the 10th House of the US Chart. The 10th House also correlates to the country’s leader. We can easily see the pressures on the US Presidency and the stresses and anxieties that permeate the general population.

Uranus is currently moving through the last degrees of Taurus and will enter the sign of Gemini. The United States is approaching its Uranus Return, the astrological moment when Uranus returns to the same zodiacal point it was when the country was born. 

In the current transit, the Uranus return will perfect three times:

  • July 28, 2026
  • October 25, 2026, in its retrograde cycle
  • May 12, 2027

Uranus has an 84-year cycle. The last two conjunctions occurred twice in 1859 and again in 1860, leading up to the Civil War, and once in 1943 and twice in 1944, during the most challenging years of World War II. This is the inconvenient truth that the United States has been at war at each Uranus in Gemini transit.

“BRUSSELS, Jan 17 (Reuters) —A top NATO military official called on public and private actors in the West on Wednesday to prepare for an era in which anything could happen at any time, including fighting a war. ‘We need a warfighting transformation of NATO,” the chief of the alliance’s Military Committee, Dutch Admiral Rob Bauer, said as he opened a two-day meeting of national defense chiefs in Brussels.’

Uranus is about “coming of age.” There are three 28-year Saturn cycles in each 84-year Uranus cycle. This planetary pair initiates and maintains the self-actualizing process, the continual unfolding of “becoming” who we are, and the accompanying maturation process that teaches us skills, mastery, and responsibility as we age. Uranus is the planet that rules Aquarius. Beginning in November, Pluto will be in Aquarius for 20 years. 

The War for Independence brought selfhood as a country. The nation was still divided into separate states, politically and economically. The end of the Civil War fused North and South and established the United States for the first time. The Second World War established the United States as a world leader.

The United States is again experiencing a growth spurt, though it is still nascent. As Pluto progresses through Aquarius over the next two decades, the United States of America will again morph into a new international economic and political entity. It is too soon to guess what shape and form the new union will take, but I sense it will be an “upgrade” intellectually, morally, philosophically, and economically. That is the progressive nature of the archetype of Aquarius. The archetype can also be regressive, so we will see a period of regression as a portion of the population works to make things go back “to the way they were.” The details are still working themselves out. But I know that our children and their children will build the New Earth. Some of us might not see it in our lifetime, but I have faith we will see it in the next.

  • 1 The US chart is cast for the day the American Revolution began, July 6, 1775. On that day, the Second Continental Congress passed an act to “bear arms” against England. The day before, an act was passed to create a standing army and named George Washington the commander-in-chief. When colonies pass an act to “bear arms” against their mother country, they cease to be a colony and become a sovereign nation.
  •  2 JWG Association of Evolutionary Astrologers message board
  • 3
  • 4 /world.europe/nato-needs-warfighting-tranformation-top-military-official

The Elephant in the Room

Welcome to the Astrological Weather Report:

My name is Daniel Fiverson

As the new year began, I wrote, “We felt the Earth move under our feet,” in some cases literally… in Japan, California, China, and Indonesia. The first week of the year, Jupiter and Mercury exited their retrograde condition and stationed direct. These powerful planetary reversals intensified the emotional and psychic dramas swirling around us. This pattern will continue and deepen as we move through the rest of January. 

On January 20th, the Sun and Pluto meet up within hours of Pluto’s re-entry into Aquarius. On January 25th, the Leo full moon occurs.  On January 27th, Uranus stations direct, initiating a four-month period in which all planets are moving forward until May 1st, when Pluto goes retrograde. We have already felt the intensity of this long presaged Aquarian birth. We no longer have to wonder what the “age of Aquarius” will be like. 2023 was the hottest year on record. It has been unfolding around us already as climate change, renegade self-mutating viruses, political antithesis, and threats of nuclear holocaust. Aquarius can be creative and sometimes enlightened, but it all comes at the price of disruption and upheaval. The elephant in the room is the Earth’s changes, which take precedence over whatever happens to each of us individually.

On December 31st, The Guardian reported no sea ice in Antarctica. 

Antarctic sea ice cover crashed for six months straight, to a level so far below anything else on the satellite record that scientists struggled for adjectives to describe what they were witnessing…last year recording what scientists think is the biggest heatwave ever recorded, with temperatures peaking at 39C above normal.

Looking ahead, a study published in Nature in March found meltwater from the continent’s ice sheets could dramatically slow down the Southern Ocean overturning circulation, a deep ocean current, by 2050 if greenhouse gas emissions continued at their current level. Two months later, a paper by some of the same researchers estimated the circulation, which influences global weather patterns and ocean temperatures and nutrient levels, had already slowed by about 30% since the 1990s.” 

Separate research by a different team of scientists suggested that accelerated melting of ice shelves extended over the Amundsen Sea in west Antarctica is locked in and beyond human control for the rest of this century even if emissions are significantly reduced.”

On January 20th at 8:45 am EST, The Sun will conjoin Pluto at 29° 59’, the very last gasp of Capricorn. Less than an hour later, at 9:07 am EST, the Sun will enter Aquarius. Aquarius ushers in a windswept storm of renewal that interrupts and disrupts the preceding pattern of events and circumstances. The Sun will continue through Uranus’s progressive and sometimes regressive agenda until February 18th

Ten hours later, at 7:56 pm EST, Pluto will enter Aquarius. It will ride Uranian air currents until September 1st, return to Capricorn until November, and then occupy Aquarius until January 2043. Pluto transited Aquarius from March to June 2023, so we have already tasted what is coming. Arguably, the most important event of 2024 will be the US presidential election. There is a growing sense of anxiety that the sword of Damocles dangles over the future of democracy in the United States. 

On January 25 at 12:53 pm EST, a full moon will occur at 5° Leo 14’. The Leo moon opposes Pluto fresh into Aquarius. We can feel uncomfortable, needing to make changes in our lives but not quite sure how to go about it, where to begin, and what to change without losing our sense of self. Venus in Capricorn feels insecure about how personal values are being upheld and how priorities are being addressed. Jupiter in Taurus tugs at our sense of security, making us restless and unsettled. Saturn in Pisces wants to make some revisions but is unsure how to proceed. We are reminded of something from the past that sheds light on a new creative approach. Eris embodies a sense of fate and destiny about how things are unfolding. Vesta shows us where we need to be more authentic. Asteroid Juno feels troubled by perceived infidelities. 

On January 27th, Uranus will station direct at 19° Taurus 05’. A sense of fate and destiny hangs in the air as the ruler of Aquarius momentarily stands still and prepares to actualize a new paradigm in an edgy, emotional atmosphere. Saturn envisions the emerging standard, but the dream is still not lucid. Mercury begins articulating the new millennium’s parameters, postulating possible scenarios. Venus struggles to ensure that the values and priorities necessary for a successful transition are actively expressed.

All of these events share a series of common planetary conditions. All of them take place under the Sun-Pluto conjunction. The core frequency here is empowerment as the basis for self-actualization. This will have a wide range of expressions depending on the consciousness brought to the event. The spectrum ranges from efforts based on enlightened self-interest to the distortions of unenlightened self-interest. We should expect to witness or experience the entire range of celestial effects.  

Chiron, the lunar north node, and Eris are chained together in Aries. The implications are that the immediate and distant future presages rogue behavior with the potential for wounding and resultant healing as an ongoing process.

Mercury and Mars are in a close balsamic condition in Capricorn, suggesting unresolved issues regarding the integrity and veracity of mental constructs and the range of choices they elicit.

Venus and Ceres are in tandem in Sagittarius. There is a need for a course correction in how we express and act on our values, especially how we nurture ourselves and others. 

Saturn’s proximity to asteroid Hygeia is a warning sign to pay attention to the recurring patterns of mutating viral outbreaks. Proactive self-care and self-advocating for our well-being are the essential directions forward. 

Uranus and Sedna, conjoined, are both retrograde through this period as Uranus prepares to station direct. There is significant potential for accessing our higher mind and becoming more conscious as a result of the active multilayered planetary pressures.  

On January 25th, a Leo Full Moon will occur at 14° Leo 05’. All of the above planetary conditions are embedded in this lunation. The Moon’s opposition to Pluto implies a balance between our emotional upheaval and powerful outer world circumstances must be reached. Mercury and Mars tell us that we must make more intelligent choices that reflect what is good for ourselves and our community.

We are being collectively reconditioned. The Fifth World surges forward around us, knocking down the old paradigms. It is not just Gaia that is morphing. Our lives are front and center to the current evolutionary remodel, and we must be present and awake for safe passage. Breathe. Wake up in this dream and consciously guide it forward. Our guides and angels are sending us everything that we need. Surrender Dorothy.

Please join me on January 20th as I present a free class for Kepler College titled “Metamorphosis Through Karmic Necessity.”

Thank you for tuning in. See you at the next astrological weather event. 

A Shift In The Field

As 2024 emerges, we will feel a shift in the field. Jupiter in Taurus stations direct today, December 30th, 2023. Mercury in Sagittarius stations direct on Tuesday, January 2nd. Jupiter is the current ruler of Mercury, symbiotically connecting the right brain (Jupiter) and the left brain (Mercury). Jupiter and Venus are in each other’s sign, known as mutual reception, blending and sharing their energies, though Jupiter in Taurus is uncomfortably saturated with earthbound elementals, cauterized and wanting to be tamed by the Sun in Capricorn at the station direct. Mars is in close company with Mercury in Jupiter’s experiential sign of Sagittarius, adding fuel and expanding the fire. Jupiter is still coming to terms with a powerful encounter with Pluto. Human interactions tend to be dramatic, vocal, raucous, and potentially explosive. Veracity, justice, commitment, and compassionate care will be on the agenda. Emotional support is available if we review our options and make different, healthier choices mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Observe and consider ideas and impulses that show up unexpectedly. 

These frequencies will continue to unfold over the next few weeks. Expect emotionally charged situations as the Moon meets up with Mercury and Mars on January 9th and around the Capricorn New Moon on January 11th. The lunation is in close company with Pluto at the final degree of Capricorn. Perceived injustices make us feel somehow exiled. Our higher mind will get downloads from our higher self that speak to fidelity, commitment, justice, wounding, and self-responsibility issues. Listen to that still, small voice. And your heart.

Solstice: December 2023

On Thursday, December 21st, 2023, at 10:27 PM EST, a solstice will occur. In the Northern Hemisphere, Winter Solstice occurs. It is the year’s longest night as the Earth’s poles tilt away from the Sun. In the Southern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice occurs as the year’s shortest night occurs, and the poles tilt closest to the Sun.

Astrologically, the event marks the ingress (entry) of the Sun into the cardinal Earth sign of Capricorn. Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn’s energy is generally generative, supportive, and formative. It can also be repressive, depressive, and compressive. Capricorn correlates to the 10th House of the horoscope. It is the domain of those with authority and social status, the CEOs, presidents, kings, and those who make the rules and set the standards by which society “should” live. In Evolutionary Astrology, Capricorn correlates to the consensus evolutionary state, the pressure for conformity.

Two powerful astrological configurations format the energy of this celestial moment. The lunar nodes are stationed retrograde, in a 90° square aspect to Pluto. The God of the Underworld is momentarily back in Capricorn, inching its way forward to its entry back in Aquarius on January 20th. The lunar south node in Libra applies to a waxing last quarter square to Pluto. The lunar north in Aries separates from a waning 1st quarter square to Pluto. In Evolutionary Astrology, this implies what is known as a “skipped step.” Some karmic necessity has been skipped over, resisted, avoided, or denied. There is increased pressure for change. This is a crisis condition. The degree of the crisis directly corresponds to the degree of resistance. 

Something from the past is out of balance (Lunar South Node in Libra). The ruler of the lunar south node is Venus in Scorpio, Pluto’s sign. Events conspire to generate cataclysmic change whose intensity will be formatted by the degree of resistance to the skipped karmic necessity. Capricorn is about taking responsibility. Pluto is at the 29° anaretic (last) degree of Capricorn. This is a “ring not pass” condition. Evolutionary change cannot occur unless the issues still “hanging fire” as part of the need to take responsibility, Capricorn, are resolved. 

The second powerful configuration is a focused Yod, “Finger of God,” from Mars in Sagittarius, and the lunar south node, focused by Venus, pointing directly at Uranus. Venus correlates to our values and the priorities they dictate. Mars relates to the choices that we make according to those priorities. Mars in Sagittarius seeks a new experiential adventure. The impulse is to connect with something greater than self, something transcendent. Uranus correlates to disruption and interruption. The lunar nodes correlate directly to our evolutionary/karmic trajectory—the inherent instinctual emotional nature from the past and our soul-intended direction in the future. Generally, the dynamic patterns from the past are recreated in the future. The pressures from these two planetary configurations pressure existing patterns to change. There is no guarantee that it will. It depends on the choices (Mars) made going forward. 

At the ingress, a self-fortified Taurus Moon separates from a waxing partile (exact) 1st quarter facilitating trine to the authoritative Capricorn Sun. Jupiter in Taurus retrograde adds emotional weight to the moment. A strong sense of self-reliance takes hold, anchoring and stabilizing the moment and potentially hunkering down in accustomed behavior. 

Mercury retrograde in Capricorn applies to a new phase conjunction to the Sun. Though it is not an acknowledged concept of the Evolutionary Astrology paradigm, some astrologers consider it a Cazimi condition. 

According to

“Cazimi is a Medieval astrological term that is used to refer to planets that are so close to a conjunction with the Sun that they are “in the heart” of the Sun. Cazimi is a Latin transliteration of the Arabic term kaṣmīmī, which means “as if in the heart.” The astrological significance of the concept is that it was thought to be an ameliorating and strengthening factor for planets. In Traditional Western Astrology, planets that get close to a conjunction with the Sun, especially within 15 degrees, are thought to be weakened because their light is obscured or overpowered by the light of the Sun. Cazimi has been introduced as an exception to that general rule so that it is no longer harmed when a planet is within a specific range of the Sun.” 

The Sun applies to a waning balsamic sextile to Saturn in early Pisces, increasing the potential for opportunities for more numinous experiences as the season unfolds and for times to come. 

The Sun applies to a waning semisquare to Uranus retrograde in Taurus. Disruptive events unfold that can shake our sense of safety and security. 

The Sun separates from a Balsamic semisextile to Pluto, adding more intense pressure for some closure. This combination of balsamic energy adds a “dark of the moon”, mystical aura to the overall event. As the season unfolds, there will be a sense of the numinous, transcendent, and otherworldliness seeking to be embedded in the emerging forms and structures.

“The excitement of life is in the numinous experience wherein we are given to each other in that larger celebration of existence in which all things attain their highest expression, for the universe, by definition, is a single gorgeous celebratory event.

— Thomas Berry

Jupiter conjunct Uranus: Catalyst for Change

Forecast 2024

I am writing from my 4th House, Jupiter, in Sag retrograde. Jupiter is philosophy, so I hold that vibe by taking a philosophical approach to speak about the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, which is pivotal next year.

The geologist, eco-philosopher, and theologian Thomas Berry expressed that we need a new story or cosmology to step back from the edge of catastrophic destruction. In his book, The Great Work, Thomas wrote,

“Our challenge is to create a new language, even a new sense of what it is to be human. It is to transcend not only national limitations, but even our species isolation, to enter into the larger community of living species. This brings about a completely new sense of reality and value…The Great Work now, as we move into a new millennium, is to carry out the transition from a period of human devastation of the Earth to a period when humans would be present to the planet in a mutually beneficial manner… everything has a right to be recognized and revered. Trees have tree rights, insects have insect rights, rivers have river rights, and mountains have mountain rights.”

—Thomas Berry

We’re standing at the threshold of a New Age. We have been told by prophets, seers, psychics, clairvoyants, metaphysicians, professors, and scientists that these times were coming. We are now experiencing the birth pangs of that destined future. The emergence of deadly viral infections, political polarity, and extreme economic disparities are all evidence of a world out of balance. As a species, we have plundered the Earth and stripped it of its life-sustaining resources for material gain. We have defiled the natural sacred abundance of our planetary home. Greed, materialism, unenlightened self-interest, and patriarchy have driven the headlong advance of science and technology at the high price of the Earth’s once-abundant natural resources. The European visitors who settled on our shores saw only that the natural resources were mined and profited by rather than recognizing the spiritual intelligence and communal lifestyle of the natives who had lived here for centuries. 

Jupiter and Uranus are the foundations of society. Jupiter is the abundance of the Earth, the manifest natural world. It is the expansion principle, the growth cycle. Sometimes, Jupiter’s growth cycle runs wild, trampling on boundaries. 

Uranus is the process of who we are becoming, driven by our higher intellect. It is our sense of community. Circumstances now conspire to raise our consciousness and reconnect to the healing potentials of the natural world. As these planetary forces of social expansion come together, the fourteen-year cycle unlocks the karmic necessity of what Thomas Berry calls the Great Work.

Jupiter and Sagittarius correlate to inherent restlessness. Change is the only constant. With Uranus in play, transformation is guaranteed. Jupiter expands whatever it touches. Jupiter makes whatever it touches bigger, not necessarily better. Uranus interrupts, disrupts, and dislodges outmoded behaviors and structures, clearing the space for new growth.

On April 20, 2024, Jupiter and Uranus will begin a fourteen—year cycle. The conjunctions will occur in March and April, but the two outer planet heavies will be in orb to each other from February to June, from early Spring to early Summer. The conjunction will come into orb and perfect in Taurus. The transit will conclude in Gemini. The conjunction occurs in Taurus, disposited (ruled) by Venus in Aries. Venus sits at the heart of a six-point stellium that spans the sign of Aries.

Jupiter measures the cycles of our lives in twelve-year chapters. Uranus formats the final state of the Fire triad of the self-actualization process. We are born in Aries, pure instinctive and non-cognitive. In Leo, we have a name. We know who we are, or at least we think we do. In Sagittarius, our developing self-awareness includes the multiverses of others. 

Jupiter is embodied in the sign Sagittarius, the centaur aiming his arrow high towards the sky. The intention is to reach out beyond our current understanding of the world around us, to connect with that which is greater than ourselves. We are a student of life. We can become a philosopher. We can become the teacher. 

Sagittarius and Jupiter correlate to our belief system. Jupiter’s enthusiasm and joie de vivre can become proselytizing. The ultimate truth found in Sagittarius can devolve into personal truth and opinion. Jupiter correlates to the “to be” processes now anchored in social interaction. Creativity can flourish. 

Jupiter/Sagittarius people need fun, joy, and a vital connection with life. They seek meaningful experience.

In Myth, Jupiter was the King of the Gods and ruled with his lightning-tipped spear. Ouranos (Uranus) was his grandfather. His father was Kronos (Saturn), whom he and his siblings murdered. Kronos also committed the patricide of Ouranos. The onus of patrimony hangs heavy over these generations of immortals. It’s a tale of actions motivated only by self-preservation.

Astrologically, Uranus is considered to be the Great Interrupter and Disrupter. It is the ruler of Aquarius, the sign that follows Capricorn, Saturn’s consensus reality domain. Saturn and Capricorn create structure and form. The maturation process belongs here. As structures age, they must be replaced and modified to support current conditions. Air element Uranus sends a fierce windstorm down upon what is outdated, uprooting it so that something new can grow. 

Uranus is the polarity to the sign of Leo. Leo is the process of “I know who I am.” Uranus is the process of “I know who I am becoming.” Sagittarius is the final segment of the self-actualization process that began in Aries and gathered in Leo.

When these two outer planets join forces, tremendous energies are released formatted by the sign in which the conjunction occurs. They can create significant reforms that transform society. 

This time, the conjunction occurs in Taurus. Taurus is about self-reliance, hunkering down, and establishing personal fortifications financially and emotionally, sometimes to the point of isolation. The primary concern is survival, at whatever cost. When Jupiter and Uranus meet in Taurus, they can produce dogmatic thinking. Sometimes, no attention is given to the consequences of their actions. There can be hubris and arrogance, with unforeseen consequences. 

“When Jupiter and a second planet enter into alignment, Jupiter’s archetypal influence seems to be one of magnifying and supporting the second planetary archetype expanding it, granting it success, bringing it to fruition. When that second planet is Uranus, representing the breaking down of existing modes of viewing and experiencing life and the bringing in of radical new approaches and perspectives, we can expect, in combination with Jupiter’s core association with the endless quest for meaning, peaks in the process of “restless exploration.”

—Richard Tarnas.

The American Revolution unfolded during the 1775 Jupiter–Uranus conjunction in Aries. World War I started under a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Aquarius. Carl Jung wrote the Red Book during the same transit, and Tolkien’s Middle Earth mythology emerged.

This is the chart of the celestial perfection. At the conjunction in April, six celestial bodies are clustered in the sign of Aries: Mercury in its retrograde condition, Venus, Eris, asteroid Hygeia, Chiron, and the lunar north node. 

The conjunction occurs in earthbound Taurus. Venus in Aries is the dispositor, the ruler, of the conjunction. This implies that there will be crises of awareness in our relationships with ourselves, others, and the Earth itself. Self-reliance is the Taurus catchphrase for our values and priorities, formatted by the quotient of the value of our self-worth. In Aries, this will funnel more attention to the self to fulfill essential needs. Our values and the resulting priorities will be focused on what we need to survive as a species. Venus is embedded at the heart of this six-point stellium that spans the sign of Aries. This chained series of planetary bodies acts as a single holistic multivalent frequency that together forms the foundation of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction.  Each of the celestial components adds their voice to the cosmic chorus. 

Aries is the initiation point of the self-realization process that progresses through the Fire triad. The Fire element teaches us about the self instinctively, just like the child who touches a hot iron, even though they were warned not to, and learns through direct emotional and physical experience.

The shape of the chart is a Sling with a Gibbous Virgo Moon handle. Experience is wound up and spun around by the Moon. The Moon is our emotional body. We will ride a roller coaster of emotional crises, challenges, and perhaps breakthroughs if we can hold it all together and not break down. This is the nature of the karmic process that underlines this 14-year-long celestial moment. The underlying direction will be the work on the self through direct emotional experience. The Earth demands the work, as does our psyches. The Earth is our home in the Universe. The Moon is our moment-to-moment connection to the waves of impulses from Source. It is our most conscious part. 

Pluto emotionally empowers the Moon. Jupiter expands the tension of the emotional content of the moment. There is a sense that justice must be served. 

Venus in Aries, the dispositer of the conjunction, applies to a (waxing) Balsamic Semisextile to Jupiter. There is a crisis of awareness of our relationships with ourselves, others, and the Earth itself. Self-reliance is embedded in our values and priorities, according to the emotional map drawn by the value of our self-worth. In Aries, this will funnel more attention to the self to fulfill essential needs.

Mercury correlates to the nature of our cognitive awareness, how we speak, and how we think. Mercury is a collector of data and people. Sagittarius becomes cosmology, but Mercury assembles ideas and opinions. Mercury retrograde will bring our attention back to what has transpired not just over days or weeks but over centuries. The sons and daughters have carried forward the ills of the fathers. 

The cognitive awareness emerges that we are approaching a non-negotiable horizon line.  Mercury shows the promise of a new way of thinking. Pallas Athene shakes things up with a new, more natural way of approaching the ongoing issues. Eris might throw a wrench into the works to accelerate the changes. The lunar nodes actively seek to pull a different rabbit out of the hat for the future. 

In the I Ching, Book of Changes, Hexagram 7, Shih, The Army, one of the moving lines reveals, 

“Perchance the army carries corpses in the wagon. Misfortune.

The implication is that what has decayed is still part of the collective narrative being carried into the future. 

Mars in Pisces forms a partile (exact) Balsamic Sextile to Jupiter and separates from a waning balsamic sextile to Uranus. Mars is armed and ready for battle. A waxing septile to Pluto is a siren’s song of fate and destiny. A waning septile to asteroid Astraea hints at justice served. There will be circumstances that demand a broader vision and more conscious choices. Mars in Pisces will require that we face complex and confusing circumstances that can only be understood with a broader vision and higher consciousness. It is lunacy to think that the same failed decisions will lead to a different outcome. The recognition must occur that we are a global community. Partisan agendas are no longer a viable option. There is a fated quality to the way events are unfolding. A new sense of empowerment activates a sacred commitment to our priorities. 

Eris separates from New Phase conjunctions to the Sun and Mercury. Venus, Chiron, and the Lunar North Node apply to Balsamic conjunctions to Eris. Balsamic conjunctions require closure. Slowly advancing through her 530-year orbit, Eris is the unexpected guest who will show up unannounced, bearing provocative gifts. Mythically, she is a rogue personality hellbent on punishing transgression. She fertilizes the timeline with karmic necessities. The path to this moment has been long and hard. The path that looms going forward is steep and demands absolute dedication to what we need to survive.

Chiron in Aries applies to a waxing Balsamic Semisextile to Jupiter, conveying a sense of wounding. This correlates to the emergence of new healing methodologies for healing the planet. Chiron will present cutting-edge homeopathic remedies to heal our global community and Mother Earth. Hard choices need to be addressed. We must learn how to save ourselves. There can be no shirking of responsibility. 

Asteroid Hygeia separates from a waning Balsamic Semisquare to Jupiter. Proactive self-care Hygeia suggests that health crises reflect how we have ignored sacred tasks. We are getting higher mind downloads. All disease begins in the spiritual body. From there, imbalances seek neural pathways to the mental body. From there, it progresses to the emotional body, and the physical body becomes ill. Often too late. Hygeia supports hands-on self-care. Since COVID, the medical community has dwindled in number, and now, the ability to obtain high-value healthcare has diminished. We must learn to advocate for ourselves.

The Lunar North Node in Aries applies to a balsamic conjunction to Mercury retrograde. This profound combination ensures that close attention will be paid to future needs. It magnetizes the future with instincts and intentions to stabilize the earth that is shifting beneath our feet. Our potential future reveals a wide range of possible outcomes. What we will experience will be determined by the choices we make at this moment. There is no longer any room for error. 

The Lunar South Node in Libra forms a partile (exact) BiQuintile to Jupiter. We will have multiple opportunities to rebalance the past and create a more stable and balanced future. New creativity and individuality can flourish, but the opportunities must be recognized when they surface and act upon—Carpe diem.

Minor planet Ceres separates from a waning Last Quarter Trine to Jupiter. Her message is that no one is coming to save us. We are learning the hard lesson that self-nurture is the only viable option in the future. We cannot trust corporate farming. The food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe are all under attack by corporate agendas. When I was growing up in the fifties and sixties, you could walk through any aisle in the supermarket without needing to check the healthiness of what was on the shelves. That is no longer the case. We must learn that each of us is responsible for our well-being.

Asteroid Vesta forms a partile (exact) Balsamic Semisextile to Jupiter. The Goddess of the Sacred Fire opens a new sense of authenticity for individuals and communities. The Medieval mindset that has driven society for millennia has taken us to the point of no return. Extinction looms on the event horizon. Vesta is the Goddess of the Sacred Fire, which correlates to enlightened self-interest and commitment to personal authenticity. We have active support from our higher self and the part of us that connects to our Soul. 

Asteroid Juno applies to waxing 1st Quarter BiSeptile to Jupiter. She was the co-ruler of Olympus, disempowered by her husband. Her unfailing sense of faithfulness dictates that we must each make a new commitment to a sustainable lifestyle that supports the environment and our community. We must commit to our highest priorities for health and well-being. The time of the lone wolf is past. We must join together as a community to reverse the effects of what has happened during the twentieth century. 

Mystical point Black Moon Lilith applies to a waxing 1st Quarter Trine to Jupiter. Black Moon Lilith tells us that we have become exiled from the natural world that birthed us. We must now find the way home.

Minor planet Sedna separates from a New Phase Conjunction to Jupiter. This newly discovered planet holds the promise of higher consciousness. Alan Clay tells us that we will experience the pain of the crisis of transcendence, where we are forced to let go of our old spiritual framework and rise to a new consciousness.

Neptune adds some confusion to the moment. Confusion serves an essential purpose. It forces us to reexamine what is going on and make different choices. It opens the doorway to intuition, higher knowledge, and transcendence. 

As the next decades unfold, we will experience opportunities for personal and collective growth, new creativity and individuality, and a new worldview. We will experience challenges to our well-being physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. All of this will awaken a higher awareness. We must take responsibility for our thoughts, deeds, and actions, with the intense array of Aries energy embedded over the next few years as Neptune ingresses Aries. We need to recognize that we are not just people cohabiting on the planet. We are a single conscious entity whose spirit is connected to the Anima Mundi of the Earth and the local and global communities we are a part of. World events will drive home the understanding, through karmic necessity, that there is only one of us on the planet.

“The deepest crises experienced by any society are those moments of change when the story becomes inadequate for meeting the survival demands of a present situation. Until technologists learn reverence for the earth, there will be no possibility of bringing a healing or a new creative age to the earth.”

—Thomas Berry.

The Shape of Things to Come

Lunar North Node Conjunct Eris

Eris has been a major player in our personal lives and world affairs since its discovery in 2005. We have realized that it has been a base note, like Pluto, to all of the significant evolutionary changes in our world since that time.

Since March this year, the Lunar North Node in Aries has conjoined rogue planet Eris. Eris is cast as the uninvited guest. She is mythologically held accountable for starting the Trojan War, the conflagration that ended the Greek Classical Age. That dubious honor belongs to Helen of Troy, who ran off with Paris, the son of Priam, King of Troy, knowing full well that when she married the Spartan King Menelaus, a pact had been signed declaring that if anyone interfered with the marriage, a war would be the result. 

Eris did not bring about the demise of the Greek Classical Age. Eris was, in actuality, responsible for founding the Roman Empire. One of the Trojan War survivors, Aeneas, a royal Trojan who was the son of Aphrodite and Anchises, sailed to Italy and married into the ruling bloodline. His posterity founded the city of Rome, which still stands today and holds worldwide influence after more than 2000 years.

The orbit of Eris is two Pluto distances from the Sun, taking approximately 530 years to complete. Everyone on the planet right now has Eris in Aries. The current Eris Aries ingress occurred in April 1924. One month later, Uranus conjoined Eris, setting the stage for the Stock Market Crash of 1929, the Great Depression, and the rise of Fascism. From 1933 to 1936, Uranus in Taurus, squaring Pluto in Cancer with Eris in Aries, laid the groundwork for World War II. Cancer is the archetype of nationalism, devotion, and allegiance to the mother country. Uranus is again in Taurus right now.

A square is a 90° angle between two planets. It is a crisis point such as driving 60 miles an hour and suddenly realizing that you must make a hard left turn without braking. Uranus in Cancer squared Eris from 1948 to 1952, underscoring the Korean War. Uranus conjunct Pluto throughout the 1960s brought the War in Vietnam, radical antiwar protest, and the Kennedy and Martin Luther King assassinations. A conjunction is a blending of two planetary archetypes. Pluto is about karma and power. Uranus generates what often results in an unexpected, cataclysmic change of the order and structure of things.

The gradual expansion of the State of Israel occupying land that was once Palestine has generated friction and hostility between Israel and the Arab communities for 75 years. It is a tangled web. The two states are biblical brothers. They both worship the patriarch Abraham, the father of both Isaac and Allah. The map of Israel is shaped like a knife. Some say that the British mandated the State of Israel as a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine via the Balfour Declaration to punish the Ottoman Empire for their resistance to become subjugated to British rule.

As Uranus and Pluto opposed Eris in the 1970s, the Yom Kippur War erupted in the Middle East. 

The Uranus-Eris square in the 1990s brought the Dissolution of the Soviet Union. Like a third Russian Revolution, the Communist social experiment crumbled like the Berlin Wall.

The Uranus Pluto square through the late 1990s and early 2000s brought the ascendancy of cyberspace to Spaceship Earth with all of its positive and negative potentialities. We live in our email and social media that now faces an unknown future as AI becomes more widespread and invisible.

As Uranus again squared Pluto and Uranus conjoined Eris in the 2010s, the world suffered COVID. The US was haunted by Donald Trump and the ascendency of fascism from the far right. Pluto has been in square aspect to Eris since 2017 and will remain in orb until May of next year. This has been a volatile combination of powerful metamorphosis and transformation. 

Since its ingress into Aries in the early 1920s, Eris has aligned with the lunar north node through

  • The Great Depression
  • The Korean War,
  • The tumultuous 60s
  • The Reagan years

Uranus is not just progressive. It can also be regressive. Promethean and Epimethean. At any given time, approximately one-third of the population promotes progressive change. One-third want things to change by returning to how things used to be. One-third are on the fence, in the middle, unable to choose. The transformations brought about by Uranus and Pluto reawakened regressive politics and a conservative revolution as a reaction to the populist liberalism of the 60s and 70s, the aftermath of 911 with the Patriot Act and the “hardening” of democracy, and most recently, the surfacing of a politically fortified ultra-right wing that has been under construction since the Reagan years.

The Eris nodal conjunction will perfect on November 27, 2023. It has been in orb with the Aries lunar north node since March and will persist until May 2024. Eris in her retrograde condtion implies that events from the past will be revisited in the future. We are witnessing the threat of a wider global conflict with a potentially more drastic outcome. The financial talking heads are dispensing cautious warnings about the possibility of an economic downturn. Health crises, including new COVID variants, continue to emerge below the surface of headline news. Increasingly gun violence is increasing, targeting ethnic and religious groups and sometimes just innocent people in public spaces. Donald Trump is still out on the streets working his agenda in overtime. The next US Presidential election looms large with increasingly uncomfortable potential outcomes. 

The US Chart is also under pressure. Transiting Eris-LNN is in opposition to the US 1st House Moon. In mundane astrology, the astrology of nations, the Moon correlates to the general welfare of the people and the condition of the people at large. An opposition is like a “full moon” event where something critical is at a tipping point of balance.  Full moons are accompanied by manifestations of events that have been developing over time. Any city police force will testify that at the full moon, things can go sideways.  

Eris is squaring US Pluto (long term) which I wrote about several months ago. The United States is having its Pluto Return. Pluto is now in Capricorn, where it was when the country was founded. Eris is squaring both transiting Pluto and US Pluto. When Pluto squared Eris five times between 2020 and 2021, the world was in the throes of COVID-19. Transiting Pluto will soon move out of orb with transiting Eris. However, US Pluto is stationary, and because the transit of Eris is long and slow, the two will remain in aspect to each other until 2072, perfecting nine times between 2026 and 2030.

Uranus is squaring US Eris. Uranus tears down what is old and outdated. It can also generate a reactive response to promote what is established despite being outdated. The US is the first nation since ancient Greece to attempt to exercise the social experiment called democracy: government by the governed. Some argue that the experiment has been flawed since the beginning with political structures like private political parties and the electoral college, which act as intermediaries in determining who the candidates will be. The Founding Fathers, perhaps rightfully so, were aware of the frailties of humanity and sought to protect the system from discriminatory self-interest. The intermediate political agencies themselves may be guilty of such self-centered behavior. 

The underlying archetypal polarity that underscores any astrological timeline is the lunar nodes, which are two points in space where the ecliptic, the path of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, and the path of the orbit of the Moon around the Earth intersect.  The moon correlates to our emotional body. The lunar south node correlates to the emotional nature of what has come before. It describes the habitual, non-cognitive process that operates below the surface of our awareness resulting from past emotional experiences. It is our innate learned behavior. 

The lunar north node is the behavior pattern and accompanying choices the Soul has laid out as a potential future direction. There is more than one variation of the future that can be realized. In the present, the archetypal nature of the Moon in the current lifetime is the determinant. We map our future through our emotional responses to the world in each moment. The moon has cycles of animation and withdrawal through eight phases. We can make different choices at any turn if we have the supporting emotional experiences in our current lifetime.

The lunar nodes are currently in the signs of Aries, Cardinal Fire, and Libra, Cardinal Air. Aries, ruled by Mars,  learns about itself through trial and error, acting on purely non-cognitive instinct. Aries learns from the outcomes of its choices and builds a catalog of emotional experiences that guide it toward self-actualization. 

Libra seeks to understand itself in the mirror of others. Astrologically, Venus, the ruler of Libra, correlates to magnetism. Relationships form through magnetic interactions with others. The magnetic attraction can be either favorable for both individuals or advantageous to only one to the disadvantage of the other. The determinant is the quality of their self-esteem and self-reliance. The need for a relationship derives from the Yang Libran expression of Venus. The quotient of self-esteem derives from the Yin Taurus expression of Venus. 

Essentially, the Aries Libra polarity is about finding balance with ourselves and others. It is the archetypal full moon experience as the Moon reflects the Sun’s full light, sharing and achieving a balance between the two luminaries. A distortion occurs when the magnetic attraction malfunctions. In human experiences, the consciousness of each individual or party is the determinant. The quality of each individual’s self-love quotient holds the frequency. If the frequency emits low self-esteem, they will most likely attract someone who wants to mine that low self-esteem. If anger, jealousy, greed, revenge, hatred, or any other distorted emotion is the MO, the relationship will go out of balance. At first, the relationship seems fine, but over time, it deteriorates until it is realized that an exit strategy is needed. This describes how the Lunar North Node- Eris conjunction can manifest in our personal lives. 

Generally, Aries, ruled by the Greek God of War, is self-oriented and aggressive. Libra, ruled by Venus Aphrodite, is loving and relational. Either archetype can express its polarity as well. This dynamic underscores the world at large for this current transit; different players express contrasting perspectives on the field. 

Eris is not to blame. There is no one to blame. Eris seeks to remedy injustice. The lunar north node is the soul intention going forward in our lives. Anima Mundi, the world soul, is also playing her part. 

“All that is visible must grow beyond itself, extend into the realm of the invisible. Thereby it receives its true consecration and clarity and takes firm root in the cosmic order.” 

—Wilhelm Baynes Edition 50 Ting /The Caldron

“Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” —Niels Bohr

The Universe is mental. Thoughts become actions. Actions become deeds. Our nighttime dreams are more real than our waking bad dreams. We don’t see the outer world. We observe what we project onto it. Realize that you are just seeing the projection. Trust. Keep working on the dream.

“It is going to be okay in the end. If it is not okay, it is not the end.”     —Fernando Sabino

Taurus Partial Lunar Eclipse

Apocalypse Now?

As the Earth’s shadow falls across the moon, a partial lunar eclipse occurs at 05° 09’ Taurus on October 28th at 2:24 pm in the northern hemisphere and at 7:24 am on October 29th in the southern hemisphere.

Taurus is about self-reliance determined by the individual values and priorities we deem requisite for survival. Taureans are stubbornly independent, charting their own course through life. Compromise is rarely an option for Taurus. The inner directness of their perspective makes it difficult for them to accept the opinions, ideas, and beliefs of others. As a result, a sense of isolation surrounds them as their protective wall of security. 

This is the second and last of the eclipses in this eclipse season. The first was the “Great American Eclipse,” a Libra annular solar eclipse that perfected across North and South America. This partial lunar eclipse will be visible across a portion of the Americas, all of Europe and Africa, and most of Asia and Australia.

Since the solar eclipse two weeks earlier, world events have escalated to a precipitous level not experienced in decades. Hamas’s sudden attack on Israel has galvanized the already disintegrating international political climate, with each side sending armaments and humanitarian aid while at the same time attempting to find a peaceful resolution. The increased polarization has exhumed the specter of a nuclear holocaust. 

At the lunation, a Taurus Moon applies to a balsamic conjunction to Jupiter retrograde, the planet of growth and expansion. It is a common belief that somehow Jupiter makes everything better. In reality, it generally makes things bigger. Retrograde and conjunct the Lunar South Node, Jupiter unearths the past in search of what needs revision. 

Venus is the ruler of Taurus. In the lunar eclipse chart, Venus is in the sign of Virgo. The earthbound combination of the two signs, Taurus and Virgo, deepens the intractability. It generates a hard-line posture to hunker down in criticism and resistance rather than critical thinking. Venus is conjunct Lilith, the mythic point correlating to self-exile and rogue behavior, deepening the immersion into self-centered viewpoints.  Eris retrograde applies to a partile conjunction to the Lunar North Node in Aries, adding another layer of highly individuated, non-conforming behavior. The Lunar North Node holds latent future potential. One of the reasons that eclipses are so powerful is because at the eclipse, the lunar nodes are standing still, amplifying the moment with critical intensity because the lunar nodes delineate the karmic/evolutionary trajectory from past to future, played out in the present through direct emotional experience.

The Moon applies to a new phase conjunction to the Lunar North Node in Aries. The Moon applies to a 1st quarter “crisis in action” square to Pluto in authoritative Capricorn. Pluto takes no prisoners. 

Mars and Mercury separate from a new phase conjunction to the Sun in Scorpio, ruled by Pluto. Mars, the lower octave of Pluto, rules Aries. Roman Mars was the protector of the city. Greek Ares was the God of blood lust. Mercury supports these dynamics with self-identifying ideas and opinions. As the polarity to Taurus, the archetype of Scorpio is even more deeply embedded in sacrosanct commitment. Scorpio can manifest as evil, releasing violence and destruction in the world. 

“Since the Hamas attack on Israeli citizens two weeks ago and Israel’s subsequent bombing campaign on Gaza, protesters have flooded American streets. Emotional debates have deeply unsettled Jewish and Palestinian communities and divided college campuses. Threats against synagogues and mosques have spiked, and a 6-year-old Palestinian-American boy in Chicago was stabbed to death.”


Critical choices regarding the planet’s immediate and future direction are on the table. The experience of these world parameters is not meant to create fear, though clearly, the atmosphere is full of anxiety. We are being warned. The next wave of karmic necessities is developing near the prophetic city of Megiddo. 

Our country’s governance is mired in political deadlock and the resurfacing of 250 years of racism, bigotry, and misogyny. Globally, six thousand years of patriarchal distortion are being called on the mat through traumatic awareness. Pluto correlates to metamorphosis. The world stands on a ledge as the King of the Underworld prepares to enter Aquarius, the archetype of revolution, alienation, mass trauma, and group hysteria. It is true that Aquarius progressively creates a new order. But it generally does this by uprooting and shattering the existing structures.

This eclipse is in sequence with Saros 146, which last occurred in October 2005. In that year:

  • Eris was discovered, resulting in the International Astronomical Union defining the definition of a planet for the first time since Galileo, upending the worlds of astronomy and astrology.
  • North Korea announced that it had nuclear weapons.
  • Hurricane Katrina made landfall along the U.S. Gulf Coast, causing severe damage, killing over a thousand people and an estimated $108 billion in damage.
  • A stampede in Baghdad, Iraq, killed 953 Shia Muslim pilgrims celebrating a religious festival.
  • Israel demolished multiple settlements in the Gaza Strip.

Neptune in Pisces correlates to prophesy. Prophesy is not hearsay or delusion. It is a paranormal download from the etheric field. The Wheel of Fortune is spinning, seemingly out of control. What is happening is that the Fifth World is emerging as the Fourth World goes away. We chose to be here. What we value is changing. New priorities are emerging. Now, we must choose how we are going to survive. There are no easy answers. Venus rules the heart. Choose your path accordingly.