New Self-Empowered Beginnings
This month is saturated by hyperactive Aquarian energy, even later as the Sun moves into Pisces. We generally perceive the deep waters of Pisces as soothing and comforting. This month, the primal energies around us are not likely to be soothed by calm waters. Besides inner calm, Pisces also brings uncertainty, overwhelmed with confusion, and teetering on a precipice. This month’s cosmic energies will be a heady mix of Aquarian non-conformity, Uranian disruption, rogue behavior from Eris, and Plutonian karmic release.
As they transit through Capricorn, all three personal inner planets, Mercury, Venus, and Mars, will experience a stressful last quarter square with Eris in Aries. Eris is a “no holds barred” personality. But her anger is not random or without forethought. Her unbridled wrath is calculated, carefully considered, and consciously directed at whatever she perceives as injustice, inequity, or intolerance.
On February 1st, Mercury in Capricorn perfected to a “crisis in consciousness” square to Eris, a term coined by Dane Rudhyar. Mars in Capricorn follows today, February 5th, as Venus in Capricorn squares Eris on February 11th. Capricorns often come across as staunchly confident and in control, but insecurity and bouts of depression can sometimes undermine that confidence. Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn works our agendas, seeking to accomplish and establish our program of directives and goals. Saturn, currently in Pisces, has the potential to get lost in insecurity. Each of the inner planets whose proximity is closest to the Earth will lay the groundwork for future development. Some will be forward-looking, some will not.
Each planet has a wide range of expressions within the scope of its archetype, from distortion to enlightenment. Mercury expresses through our voice, its timbre, our vocabulary, and the narratives we tell ourselves and others. Venus maintains the agenda of our essential values and their resulting priorities. Mars initiates our choices, conduct, and behavior.
As the trio of personal planets move into Aquarius, one by one, they will conjoin Pluto, Mercury today on February 5th, Mars on February 14th, and Venus on February 22nd.
Aquarius interrupts and disrupts the status quo, intending to replace the existing platforms and structures created by Saturn that are deemed outmoded. The conjunctions to Pluto initiate new self-empowering policies and agendas. There is potential for power struggles over agendas and methodologies.
The squares to Eris will produce crises that demand the resolution of unresolved issues and circumstances for matters close to us personally and collectively. The “glancing blows” to Eris could quickly become confrontational. Be careful of things said or done in anger or from feeling compartmentalized or ignored. The proximity of Eris to the Aries Lunar North Node potentiates the need for continued effort and attention to “work in the self.”. Eris’s impact will most likely be unexpected and challenging, dramatically capturing our attention.
A New Moon occurs a few days later on February 9th at 21° Aquarius. Uranus underscores the lunation in Taurus. The transit of Uranus through Taurus, Venus’s inner expression, corresponds to our relationship with ourselves and what is essential for survival. Its current transit has delivered non-negotiable awareness and crisis after crisis since the 2020s began. An Air Grand Trine links the luminaries with the Lunar South Node and the conjunction of asteroids Vesta and Astraea in Gemini. News headlines and conversations swirl around issues regarding personal authenticity and perceived injustice. A waning last quarter square from the Sun and Moon to Uranus “rattles our cage,” encouraging increased attention and self-reliance regarding maintaining whatever we deem essential for ourselves and the world.
On February 22nd, Venus and Mars will conjoin at 7° Aquarius, beginning a new two-year relationship cycle. The conjunction separates from a new phase conjunction with Pluto. Relationships can find new objectivity, reactivate, be re-empowered, grow, and transform. New ways of sharing and balancing power can be realized. Old habitual emotional patterns can be resolved and reworked. There is potential to learn how to nurture each other, our community, and the planet in new ways. A palpable sense of destiny permeates this celestial moment. Higher knowledge is available and accessible to help us grow emotionally and spiritually.
The full moon occurs on February 24th at 6° Virgo. The Moon anchors an Earth Grand Trine with Jupiter in Taurus and Ceres in Capricorn. Our work on ourselves is supported and encouraged, as is taking responsibility for our self-care. Tune into and pay attention to your still, small voice within. Sidestep and defuse power struggles as they arise. Maintain your balance when others trigger you. Speak compassionately and truthfully. Accept responsibility for who you are, the good and the maybe not-so-good. Work toward a future that includes increased self-awareness. Find homeopathic remedies to heal what needs to be healed: body, mind, and soul. Create new forms of self-expression that express your sacred inner space.
Spaceship Earth is currently headed “Where no man has gone before.” Beam us up, Scotty.
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Source: 75 years of life experience and studying astrology and metaphysics.