Welcome to this edition of the Astrological Weather Report.
Jupiter ingress Taurus
My name is Daniel Fiverson.
I record forecasts regularly here on EA Zoom and publish the recording and a transcript of the forecast on my website evolutionaryastrologer.net
On May 16, 2023, Jupiter begins its year-long transit and joins the cavalcade of planets in Venusian Taurus. Venus rules two signs of the zodiac. Her outer Yang rulership is expressed through the sign of Libra. Her inner Yin rulership is told through the sign of Taurus. Libra brings us into a relationship with others. Taurus brings us into a relationship with ourselves. Venus’s inner expression in Taurus indicates that the next 12 months should be focused on our self-love, self-development, self-nurturing, and self-forgiveness.
Jupiter forms a crisis-laden square to Pluto, which perfects only one day after the ingress. An entire spectrum of expression can and will generate crises related but not limited to:
- Rash, erratic and rebellious behavior
- Grandiosity
- Self-importance
- Preachiness
- Stubborn adherence to conditioned emotional reflexes.
On the positive side, it can produce:
- Making more intelligent and grounded choices.
- Recognizing the necessity and benefits of self-care.
- Positive lifestyle changes.
- Being more caring and nurturing.
As Jupiter aligns with the nodal axis, a grand cross is drawn in the sky.
- The Lunar South Node conjoins Jupiter.
- Jupiter opposes the Lunar North Node.
- Jupiter conjoins Eris and squares Mars.
- Pluto opposes Mars.
The Lunar Nodes are slowly moving into orb of a square with Pluto. This condition is known in Evolutionary Astrology as a “skipped step.” Something from the past has been neglected, skipped over, and left unresolved, impacting the frictionless unfolding of the future. This condition will persist for the rest of 2023, finally moving out of orb in January next year. A significant shift to this karmic dynamic will occur in mid-July as the lunar nodes shift into Aries and Libra. The Jupiter-Pluto square is a prelude to deeper work on who we are becoming individually and collectively, what we attract, and our relationship to everything and everyone around us.
A magnifying glass is focused on the past. A kaleidoscope peers into the future. Cognitive faculties are sharpened. A banner is held high for justice. A high volume of difficult conversations with ourselves and others and news media saturates our immediate and collective world. We are challenged to distill our immediate wants and desires into what is essential. The airwaves will be filled with disturbing reports of random gun violence, violent weather, and many versions of individualized misbehavior. Personal authenticity runs the gamut from benevolent to non-conformist to lawless.
There is a sense that things have gone out of balance and are headed toward a critical breaking point. The basic magnetism that naturally bonds things together seems to have become bipolar. Health issues continue to simmer below the surface despite the pandemic receding. Random, self-centered acts of violence continue to punctuate the news.
Jupiter separates from a new phase conjunction to Eris in Aries. This current meetup will initiate restlessness and discord that can derail progress in the short run. It will shed light on the shadow material sequestered away in the hidden recesses of our psyches
and initiate a search for truth and a wider understanding of ourselves of our relationship with the world around us.
At the ingress, Jupiter is applying to balsamic conjunction to Uranus retrograde Taurus. This event will culminate next year on April 20, 2024. This conjunction last occurred three times in 2010-11.
In those years:
- Occupy Wall Street, a 59-day left-wing populist movement against economic inequality and the influence of money in politics.
- A nuclear disaster occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
- Arab Spring Protests occurred as citizens in countries across the Middle East rose up against their governments.
- Russia shut off all gas supplies to Europe.
- Hurricane Sandy devastates the US East Coast.
- Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut shooting.
Given the recent history of this decade, we should expect that Uranus will continue to till the ground beneath our feet, uprooting static old growth the seeding the future with earth-based collective intentions.
The astrological themes that permeate this conjunction include:
- A more conscious focus on the important details of our lives.
- The opportunities to make better choices are driven by necessity.
- A sacred commitment to personal values.
- Journeys into our personal underworlds.
- The increased need for proactive self-care.
Jupiter will station retrograde on September 4, 2023, at 15° Taurus 34’. Taurus is fixed Earth energy. Its roots extend deep below the surface. 15° Taurus is the most self-willed point in the zodiacal wheel, unable to loosen its grip on what is known and tangible and begin to grasp the airy, mental, and non-physical nature of Gemini.
The balsamic dark of the Moon mystifies the retrograde moment. Knowledge seems shrouded and obscured. As Jupiter stations retrograde, it squares Venus in Leo, stationed direct. There is a push-me/pull-me effect, and an impulse is to press forward, perhaps without doing the necessary homework. Immediate wants and short-term needs can drive priorities. This is the time to step back and consider important what is most pressing. Jupiter will station direct again on December 30, 2023, at 5° Taurus 34’.
Jupiter correlates the growth factor and how we self-actualize through the years. The 12-year cycles of Jupiter are the “chapters” of our lives. You can get a reality check by looking back twelve years ago. The details will be different, but the process will be the same.
Jupiter corresponds to
- Nature and Natural Law
- Shamanism and connection to what is greater than ourselves
- Intuition
- The right brain
- Creative self-actualization
- Our belief system and the undulating flow of collective beliefs
- Wisdom
- Faith
- Truth, but often personal truth.
- The guru and the teacher.
By now, you all know my spiel…
Get out in nature. Go where there are no city lights and gaze at the night sky. Hug a tree. Hug yourself. We are moving toward an event horizon. Buckle your seatbelt.