Pluto into Aquarius/Saturn Stations Direct/The US Election
On November 1st, a Scorpio New Moon sets the stage for the month. Ruled by Pluto at the final degree of Capricorn, no compromise should be expected. Karmic necessity is the agenda. Emotions are running high. The future rushes headlong to meet us. These winds of change have their agenda. Though we might initially appear to be moving backward, the world is about to take a giant step forward. Beware of physical aggression and emotional distress. Find your center of gravity, and buckle your mental and emotional seatbelts to ride out the storms on the horizon.
Five days later, on November 6th, the US Presidential Election will hold us captive. Do not fall prey to uncertainty or blatant malfeasance. The world is watching the transfer of power in the United States with bated breath. The ship of state will pass through the narrows resembling Scylla and Charybdis. Regardless of the outcome, the boat will rock. Six thousand years of misogyny, patriarchy, elitism, persecution, egocentrism, and antipathy are the skeletons that have come out of the closet. Find refuge in the dream that creates a future different from the past.
On November 15th, Saturn ends its apparent backward motion and slowly begins to move forward. Seven hours later, a Taurus Full Moon occurs. The emotional turmoil will reach new heights. Both of these events can activate new realities that help stabilize the chaos. Sixty years ago, John Kennedy and Martin Luther King awakened the dream. Complacency has generated an epidemic of narcolepsy that has overtaken us. We are about to be roused from our somnambulance.