Saturn in Pisces: What We Can See From Here (transcript)

Welcome to the Astrological Weather Report.

My name is Daniel Fiverson.

I want to thank you all for taking the time to listen to my astrological weather reports. I also want to thank Sue and Robin, who have carried on the work of Linda Jonson so diligently and made these recordings available. 

Saturn has been churning the winds of change in Aquarius since the end of 2020. Since then, the worldwide spread of COVID-19 and its self-mutating variants have shattered our sense of normalcy. In the United States, the Capitol Riot and exposure of malfeasance at the highest level of government has politically splintered the nation. Europe has been drawn to the precipice of nuclear confrontation in Ukraine. In Asia, an active Chinese agenda is attempting to reset the balance of power in the region. In the last three years, we have witnessed a much different world emerges.

On March 7, 2023, Saturn, the god of time, authority, generation, agriculture, aging, and mastery, will enter the fluid, effusive, boundary-less domain of Pisces. What omens will we encounter hidden in such a boundless watery abyss? 

Saturn repeats a transit through each sign approximately every 29 years. 

  • In 1759 the British and French fought for control of the New World. The event polarized the politics of the American colonies and presaged the American Revolution.
  • In 1789 George Washington became the 1st President of the United States. The social experiment, which we call democracy, was born as the first modern nation to attempt government by the governed. 
  • In France, the Declaration of Human Rights sparked the French Revolution, overthrowing the monarchy and establishing the first republic in Europe since the Classical Age.
  • In 1818 author Mary Shelly, a woman writing under her own name, penned Frankenstein, a book destined to become a literary classic.
  • The Mexican-American War erupted in 1846, doubling the size of the fledging American republic. The discovery of gold in California actualized the American ideology of Manifest Destiny and started what would become a national migratory nature. 
  • The Seneca Falls Convention marked the beginning of the Women’s rights movement in the United States. 
  • In Eastern Europe, the Communist Manifesto laid the groundwork for the Russian Revolution, which would begin two Saturn Pisces transits later in 1905. 
  • In 1876, the Indian Wars that led to the genocide and forced removal of the native American population were sparked by the Battle of the Little Big Horn.
  • In 1964 the Beatles stepped off a plane in New York and sent an entire generation on a journey of Eastern mysticism, peace, and universal love.
  • In 1993, the tunnel under the English Chanel, now called the Chunnel, changed the demographics of Western Europe.
  • Here we are 29 years later. With one eye on the rearview mirror, we begin to gaze forward to fathom the future.


Saturn correlates to the principle of contraction, in contrast to Jupiter’s principle of expansion. Saturn creates crystallized forms that support the foundation of life. In our birth charts, it structures our consciousness, formatting each of the other planets according to its aspect or phase relationship with them. 

We tend to think of Saturn as yang, male. In truth, it is the opposite. Capricorn, the sign associated with Saturn, is Yin, energy moving inward towards the center.  It is involution, as the Jewish mystics believed,  Shekinah, the Divine Mother, correlating to the vessel of spirit, the “glory of divine presence.” 

Saturn correlates to authority. Capricorn correlates to the 10th House. The tenth house refers to the authority figure, which traditionally is the father. There is no real consensus about that among astrologers, as some confer the mother to that house in a natal chart. I have come to understand that it works either way, describing the authority figure in the household. In many cultures, matriarchy is still the norm. The nature and circumstances of the authority figure in our childhood pattern our sense of who we are and how we will emotionally develop over time. 

As the principle of contraction, Saturn presupposes our personal outreach with others and our innate expression of who we are and how we project ourselves in the world. Our collective experience as well, politically and economically, is foreshadowed by Saturn.

Saturn is gravity. It is the force that connects us to the Earth. It is why we feel the “weight” of Saturn.


As we enter Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, we complete the circle. It is, however, the Enso, the existentially incomplete circle, never at finality, always an empty space to span and begin anew. In Zen, an ensō which means “circular form,” is a circle that is hand-drawn in one or two uninhibited brushstrokes to express a moment when the mind is free to let the body create. The ensō symbolizes absolute enlightenment, strength, elegance, the universe, and mu (the void).

Astrologically, Pisces corresponds to the infinite, that which has no beginning and no end. It is the element of water whose boundaries are fluid, adapting to its environment. Water must fill up each space it passes through before it can move on. The water triad traces the evolution of consciousness from self-awareness in Cancer to subconscious awareness in Scorpio to immersion into the collective consciousness in Pisces. 

In human life, Pisces is the mystic and the medium, the martyr. the savior and the saint. It is surrender, fantasy, dreams, and illusion. Pisces is the process of immersion into what is greater than ourselves. The archetype provides experiences that teach us that we are not just a single wave; we an infinitesimal part of a much larger ocean. Pisces teaches us the lessons of ultimate truth as opposed to relative truth and unconditional love as opposed to conditional love. 

Many of the aspects we are going to look at today are challenging. I think we all agree that the time we are passing through is probably one of the most challenging periods of our lives. The challenges we face are the stimulus for our personal growth. As we get older, we increasingly appreciate the challenges we had to face as catalysts for change. I believe that it is a blessing to live in interesting times. 

Let’s remember that we are looking at Saturn. He teaches us mastery and skills, but only if we do the work. Pisces is a transcendental archetype because there are habits and behavior we must learn to transcend.

That being said, here is my forecast for the transit of Saturn through Pisces.


“In each moment, all of time is revealed”

—Thomas Wolfe, Look Homeward Angel

Saturn will transit Pisces from March 7, 2023, to February 13, 2026. A planetary ingress imprints the template of the entire transit. 

  • Saturn ingress Aries on May 24, 2025

Saturn ingress Pisces

  • September 1, 2025 to February 13, 2026.

The outer planets play major roles at many of the significant points of Saturn’s three-year transit; however, only Jupiter and Pluto will perfect to Saturn. 

Jupiter will semisquare Saturn: 

  • May 21, 2023

Jupiter will square Saturn three times:

  • August 19, 2024
  • December 24, 2024
  • June 15, 2025

Saturn will semisquare Pluto three times:

  • May 6, 2024
  • September 25, 2024
  • January 26, 2025

At the March 7 ingress, Pluto in Capricorn and Jupiter in Aries overshadow the ingress. Capricorn is Saturn’s own sign. Aries forms a natural crisis-producing square to Capricorn. 

An encouraging trine from Mars in capricious Gemini hints at impulsiveness and self-perpetuating dialogues. These dynamics suggest a struggle with authority and difficult lessons.  

The lunar nodes are activated, encouraging reconciliation between the past and future. Pluto can take us down into our own underworld, the subconscious repository of the personal and collective traumas we have buried there.

How are we exercising our own personal power with others? What boundaries have been crossed that cause our power to be compromised? How has impulsiveness created wounding experiences? Where is the balance between self-interest and common cause? 


On June 17, 2023, Saturn will station retrograde at 7° Pisces 12’ SR. At the station retrograde, a balsamic “dark of the moon” portends unresolved issues pertaining to the perception of what is truth and what is simply opinion

Jupiter is magnetized to the lunar nodes in Taurus and Scorpio. The future slips in and out of focus, morphing, expanding, and contracting. Old resentments can resurface with fierce intensity. 

Venus in Leo, ruler of the lunar north node, challenges Saturn revealing the blind spots in our self-development.

Eris in Aries struggles with Saturn to be less diffuse and to become more self-aware. 

Do our words and deeds resonate with each other? Personal authenticity runs the gamut from patient and kind to uncontrolled belligerence, verbal and otherwise. 


on November 4, 2023, a finger of God points at Saturn’s station direct at 0° Pisces 02’ from a Cancer Moon and Venus in Virgo. Emotions run high. Crises erupt. Discernment is necessary to avoid power struggles and conflict. Personalities threaten to become negatively ego-driven. 

As Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus retrograde in crisis mode to Saturn, harsh words can fly through the airwaves like poison arrows. 

Saturn continues to struggle with Pluto. Authority is questioned. Wounding experiences erupt.

Saturn semisquare Pluto

struggle over who is in authority.

On May 6, 2024, Saturn is again challenged by Pluto in Aquarius.  Boundaries are shattered as ideologies hunker down to effectuate change. A clash of personalities causes progressivism and regression to collide, defying attempts at compromise. Dialogues are filled with wounded words and feelings. Compromise dissolves. 

Neptunian dissolution reaches its peak at the 29° anaretic degree of Pisces. Interpersonal struggles expose intense, intractable personal biases.

The past comes back to haunt us in some way as the Lunar South Node in Libra, stationed retrograde, challenges Saturn’s authority.


One week later, on June 29, 2024, Saturn will make its second station retrograde at 19° Pisces 25’. An Aries Moon struggles to understand resentful Eris’s scheming behavior. Venus revisits personal and collective values and priorities. Discussions become sincere and heartfelt. 


On August 19, 2024, Jupiter, in close company with Mars in Gemini, perfects to a “crisis in consciousness” square to Saturn retrograde. An ideological clash occurs as dreams collide with reality. The distance between collective priorities and personal values is exposed. Pluto continues to add his weight to the conflict.


Saturn stations direct on November 15, 2024, at 12° Pisces 41’. We can feel caught in a vortex between opposing political and social cosmologies. Pluto again throws his authoritative weight into the ongoing crises, occupying the final cathartic degree of Capricorn.

The projection of personality is up close and personal. The Moon, agitated by Uranus in reclusive Taurus, intensifies the need for emotional security. Jupiter’s retrograde in Gemini adds verbal fuel to the fire.  


On December 24, 2024, Jupiter retrograde squares Saturn again. Mars, retrograde in Leo, gets vertical with attitude and self-importance. A Libra Moon is emotionally out of balance. Mercury adds grandiose verbosity. Pluto is still trying upset the apple cart and call the shots.

Saturn semisquares Pluto

On January 26, 2025, Saturn semisquares Pluto a second time. The struggle over who is in authority continues. Jupiter retrograde separates from the conflict, but difficult events continue to unfold. Mars retrograde in Cancer begins to reconsider previous behavior.


On April 21, 2025, Saturn joins up with the Lunar North Node in Pisces. Both are in close proximity to the Neptune in Aries, the ruler of the Lunar North Node. Venus is in close company as well as is Mercury conjunct Neptune in Aries. This 5-planet stellium is a celestial counterweight, locomotive energy driving the moment.  An aura of fate and destiny hangs in the air. Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, and Eris are all in play. A fierce, impulsive, vocalized, hunkered-down frequency pervades the zeitgeist. A battle for the future rages. 


On May 24, 2025, Saturn moves in Aries. The Pisces influence continues as Saturn meets up with Neptune, beginning to warm up to Mars and his martial energies. The Lord of Time is still reeling from his recent meetup with the Lunar North Node in Pisces. Jupiter is still throwing his weight around with Saturn.  Mars has not lost his bluster midway through Leo. Mercury is in close company with Uranus in Taurus, the mouthpiece for finally laying the groundwork to establish what is essential for personal, collective, and planetary survival.


On June 15, 2025, Jupiter makes its third square to Saturn. Saturn is up close and personal with Neptune in Aries. Pluto remains an active player pressuring Saturn and Neptune. Mars, at the anaretic, last degree of Leo, stresses Saturn, resulting in an overload of ego and self-interest.


On July 13, 2025, Saturn makes its last retrograde station of the transit at 1° Aries 56’. A review of all of the previous issues and events of the entire transit is on the table. An Aquarius Moon shakes things up as well. 


On September 1, 2025, Saturn will re-enter Pisces. The pressures from Pluto and Eris are receding and have begun to open opportunities for the crises to be healed. Venus and Mercury in Leo open the way for priorities to be voiced. A Sagittarius Moon brings higher wisdom to the discussion. 


On November 27, 2025, Saturn stations direct at 25° Pisces 09’. Neptune retrograde is in close company. A facilitating water grand trine from Mercury-Venus and Jupiter retrograde opens the door for emotional healing through discussion, inner work, actualizing personal values, and having compassion for self and others. Eris retrograde shakes what has become stuck. Mars offers higher choices. 


The takeaway is to surrender. Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter will have their way. We cannot win with force. Only the exercise of personal power will succeed. Let go of expectations even as you continue to dream the future. Man plans, and God laughs. Stay the course.  When you feel oppressed by the way things are going, ask your angels and guides for help. They are waiting for your call.