Scorpio Lunar Eclipse

And other current astrological weather

On May 5, 2023, at 1:34 pm EDT, a penumbral lunar eclipse will occur at 14° Scorpio 58’. It will be visible over Africa, Asia, and Australia. This eclipse belongs to Saros series 141. The last eclipse in this series occurred in April 2005. 

I detailed the events of April 2005 and the major news events leading up to this eclipse in my last YouTube forecast. 

The primary significance of this eclipse is the conjunction of the Sun and Uranus in Taurus. One person says, “It’s Uranus,” and another says, “What did you call me!?” Often the words we use have meanings and understandings that are different from others. Messages get garbled in misunderstandings. Communications break down or get misinterpreted. We must remember that not everyone has the same ideas, understandings, beliefs, values, priorities, and agendas as we do. All of these things can run at cross purposes. 

Pluto continues to play an important role in this lunation. Pluto was in a crisis square to the Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse. At the Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, Pluto is the planetary ruler of the lunation. Additionally, Pluto is standing still, having stationed retrograde only three days earlier on May 1st. Mercury stationed retrograde one day after the solar eclipse and underscores both eclipses.  Pluto’s retrograde cycle lasts many months longer and accesses deep recesses within our psyches. Regressing through the zodiac, Pluto will end its brief foray into Aquarius on June 11 and re-enter Capricorn until it turns direct again on October 10. Pluto will not return to Aquarius until January 2024.

A Scorpio Moon runs hot below the surface “on a good day.” With Pluto in retrograde condition, hidden agendas percolate to the surface and boil over. Perceived slights and misunderstandings spin-off anger, resentment, envy, and suspicion. Emotions are heavy with challenging conversations with ourselves and others. The news media continues to be saturated with uncomfortable revelations. We are challenged to distill our immediate wants and desires into what is essential. Random, self-centered acts of violence continue to punctuate the news.

The airwaves will continue to be filled with disturbing reports of violent weather and people. Personal authenticity runs the gamut from benevolent to non-conformist to lawless. There is a sense that things have gone out of balance and are headed toward a critical breaking point. The magnetism that naturally bonds things together seems to have become bipolar. Health issues continue to simmer below the surface even though the pandemic supposedly has receded.

All the events activated at the Aries New Moon culminate at this full moon. Major changes occur. What has been steadily brewing below surfaces with dramatic impact and longevity. A full moon is always about finding the balance between two opposing forces needing to find a center ground. A lunar eclipse is this event on steroids. Look for compromises agreeable to all parties. Be flexible and willing to meet others halfway.  Let emotions come from the heart space, not the headspace. Silence the repertoire in your head. Listen carefully to what others are saying. Allow events to unfold in their way by accepting “what is” rather than straining for some expectation of what “should or must be.” The full moon seeks unity in diversity. Allow change to occur without fear of the outcome. 

“Life is what happens when we are busy making other plans.”

—John Lennon