Apocalypse Now?

As the Earth’s shadow falls across the moon, a partial lunar eclipse occurs at 05° 09’ Taurus on October 28th at 2:24 pm in the northern hemisphere and at 7:24 am on October 29th in the southern hemisphere.
Taurus is about self-reliance determined by the individual values and priorities we deem requisite for survival. Taureans are stubbornly independent, charting their own course through life. Compromise is rarely an option for Taurus. The inner directness of their perspective makes it difficult for them to accept the opinions, ideas, and beliefs of others. As a result, a sense of isolation surrounds them as their protective wall of security.
This is the second and last of the eclipses in this eclipse season. The first was the “Great American Eclipse,” a Libra annular solar eclipse that perfected across North and South America. This partial lunar eclipse will be visible across a portion of the Americas, all of Europe and Africa, and most of Asia and Australia.
Since the solar eclipse two weeks earlier, world events have escalated to a precipitous level not experienced in decades. Hamas’s sudden attack on Israel has galvanized the already disintegrating international political climate, with each side sending armaments and humanitarian aid while at the same time attempting to find a peaceful resolution. The increased polarization has exhumed the specter of a nuclear holocaust.
At the lunation, a Taurus Moon applies to a balsamic conjunction to Jupiter retrograde, the planet of growth and expansion. It is a common belief that somehow Jupiter makes everything better. In reality, it generally makes things bigger. Retrograde and conjunct the Lunar South Node, Jupiter unearths the past in search of what needs revision.
Venus is the ruler of Taurus. In the lunar eclipse chart, Venus is in the sign of Virgo. The earthbound combination of the two signs, Taurus and Virgo, deepens the intractability. It generates a hard-line posture to hunker down in criticism and resistance rather than critical thinking. Venus is conjunct Lilith, the mythic point correlating to self-exile and rogue behavior, deepening the immersion into self-centered viewpoints. Eris retrograde applies to a partile conjunction to the Lunar North Node in Aries, adding another layer of highly individuated, non-conforming behavior. The Lunar North Node holds latent future potential. One of the reasons that eclipses are so powerful is because at the eclipse, the lunar nodes are standing still, amplifying the moment with critical intensity because the lunar nodes delineate the karmic/evolutionary trajectory from past to future, played out in the present through direct emotional experience.
The Moon applies to a new phase conjunction to the Lunar North Node in Aries. The Moon applies to a 1st quarter “crisis in action” square to Pluto in authoritative Capricorn. Pluto takes no prisoners.
Mars and Mercury separate from a new phase conjunction to the Sun in Scorpio, ruled by Pluto. Mars, the lower octave of Pluto, rules Aries. Roman Mars was the protector of the city. Greek Ares was the God of blood lust. Mercury supports these dynamics with self-identifying ideas and opinions. As the polarity to Taurus, the archetype of Scorpio is even more deeply embedded in sacrosanct commitment. Scorpio can manifest as evil, releasing violence and destruction in the world.
“Since the Hamas attack on Israeli citizens two weeks ago and Israel’s subsequent bombing campaign on Gaza, protesters have flooded American streets. Emotional debates have deeply unsettled Jewish and Palestinian communities and divided college campuses. Threats against synagogues and mosques have spiked, and a 6-year-old Palestinian-American boy in Chicago was stabbed to death.”
— https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/21/us/united-states-israel-ukraine-war.html
Critical choices regarding the planet’s immediate and future direction are on the table. The experience of these world parameters is not meant to create fear, though clearly, the atmosphere is full of anxiety. We are being warned. The next wave of karmic necessities is developing near the prophetic city of Megiddo.
Our country’s governance is mired in political deadlock and the resurfacing of 250 years of racism, bigotry, and misogyny. Globally, six thousand years of patriarchal distortion are being called on the mat through traumatic awareness. Pluto correlates to metamorphosis. The world stands on a ledge as the King of the Underworld prepares to enter Aquarius, the archetype of revolution, alienation, mass trauma, and group hysteria. It is true that Aquarius progressively creates a new order. But it generally does this by uprooting and shattering the existing structures.
This eclipse is in sequence with Saros 146, which last occurred in October 2005. In that year:
- Eris was discovered, resulting in the International Astronomical Union defining the definition of a planet for the first time since Galileo, upending the worlds of astronomy and astrology.
- North Korea announced that it had nuclear weapons.
- Hurricane Katrina made landfall along the U.S. Gulf Coast, causing severe damage, killing over a thousand people and an estimated $108 billion in damage.
- A stampede in Baghdad, Iraq, killed 953 Shia Muslim pilgrims celebrating a religious festival.
- Israel demolished multiple settlements in the Gaza Strip.
Neptune in Pisces correlates to prophesy. Prophesy is not hearsay or delusion. It is a paranormal download from the etheric field. The Wheel of Fortune is spinning, seemingly out of control. What is happening is that the Fifth World is emerging as the Fourth World goes away. We chose to be here. What we value is changing. New priorities are emerging. Now, we must choose how we are going to survive. There are no easy answers. Venus rules the heart. Choose your path accordingly.
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