At 7:46 am MDT today, June 5, 2023, Venus entered the Sun’s sign of Leo. This Venusian ingress holds significant density. At the ingress, the planet of relationship to others and ourselves stood exactly opposite Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. This planetary opposition was in a tight 90° square aspect to the lunar nodes in Taurus and Scorpio. When a planet or planets square the lunar nodes, in Evolutionary Astrology, this is known as a “skipped step.” Some process necessary for evolution has been denied or avoided.
A fixed grand cross is drawn in the sky. A grand cross is a condition that is “locked and loaded.” There is a build-up of energy that necessitates release. In fixed signs, this condition is especially challenging. Pluto carries the karmic signature of the Soul’s evolutionary intention. The lunar nodes are the karmic/evolutionary trajectory, the pathway from the past to the future. The action point is the Moon, in this case, the Moon in Capricorn. Capricorn is about taking responsibility and creating a viable structure. The Moon forms a tight crisis aspect to Venus, requiring an adjustment, a course change. The intensity of the moment cannot endure. Something has to give.
At the ingress, the archetypal patterning is compacted. Venus is the ruler of the Lunar North Node. Pluto is the ruler of the Lunar South Node. Uranus rules Pluto in Aquarius in Taurus, which is, in turn, ruled by Venus. A crisis-laden square from Venus to rogue personality Eris adds additional complications. An out-of-sign trine from Venus to Neptune does little to clarify the situation. Venus applies to a conjunction to Mars, also in Leo.
We have all been feeling this pressure for quite some time. This celestial moment accentuates the issues and suggests a different pathway forward. Venus is about what is essential to our happiness and our survival. It correlates to our values and their resulting priorities. We are being made aware of what is truly important. Leo is the second phase of the self-actualization process. We have an innate sense of ourselves and express it naturally in the world. But does that sense of self express our authentic personal values, or is it driven by the need to conform to consensus reality?
Pluto holds the missives of our Soul’s deepest need for security and hands them off to Mars for expression. Are our choices aligned with what we need to be happy and thrive?
The inconvenient truth is that we will continue to experience personal and collective crises if our choices and priorities are not aligned with Soul’s intention. No one is saying that this is easy. It is actually the baseline of our evolutionary path. But if Earth is a Soul School, we are all on the same path, though not necessarily at the same mile marker.
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
― Rumi