Virgo New Moon

Kites In The Wind

Kites rise highest against the wind – not with it.

—Winston Churchill

On September 2nd, a New Moon will grace the sky at 11° Virgo 04’ at 9:55 pm EDT. Those born under the sign of Virgo are often tasked to navigate their lives with critical discernment and demand for perfection. Even those spared a prominence of Virgo’s razor-sharp cutting edge must work on themselves even if the 6th House seems devoid of resident planets. There is still a sign on the cusp and a planet that rules that sign. We can grow forward along our evolutionary path by responding positively to the crises on our doorstep, or we can go kicking and screaming. Better to bow to master Mercury and let him have his way. 

A double kite formation consisting of two (not so) minor and two grand trines is at the core of this lunation. Pluto and Neptune at the 29th anaretic degree of Capricorn and Uranus retrograde in Taurus forms a kite that engages Venus in her native Libra conjunct the lunar south node. Capricorn and its ruler, Saturn, are strict taskmasters. Their dynamics can be suppressive, repressive, and oppressive. They represent authority and demand that we recognize it. Like Pluto, in their way, “they take no prisoners.” However, they teach mastery and skills that we need to learn and better navigate 3D reality as we age and mature. Pluto, Venus, and Goddess of War and Strategy Pallas Athene in Scorpio (ruled by non-negotiable Pluto) form a kite with Uranus. The two “kited” crosses comprise two-thirds of a “Star of David” configuration. The archetypal dynamics of this chart are closely engaged, each supporting the other. Asteroid Astraea, the Greek Goddess of Justice, anchors one arm of the grand trine.

The oppositions to Neptune and Pallas are the resolution points, the “deus ex machina” to the “tri-bunal.” When events seem to be going sideways, engage with that which is greater than yourself, what is spiritual, metaphysical, transcendent (Neptune), to find solutions to difficult emotional situations and people that want to overwhelm you. Allow the impulses from your right brain (Jupiter), higher mind (Pallas Athene), and the seemingly impossible ideas and solutions that arise intuitively (Neptune) to pollinate and grow. Injustice is a viral variant out of control. (Astrea).

The Virgo Moon, 

  • Applies to an Earth/Fire Grand Trine:
    • (Last Quarter)  waxing square to  dwarf planet Ceres 
    • (First Quarter) waning square asteroid Hygeia retrograde. 
  • Applies to a (Gibbous) waxing Opposition to Saturn in Pisces retrograde. 
  • Separates from a (Gibbous) Sesquisquare to Eris in Aries retrograde. 
  • Applies to a (1st Quarter) waxing squares to dwarf planet. Sedna Retrograde in Gemini and Jupiter in Gemini.

There are some tricky twists and turns on the road ahead. Unified, high-octane energy is woven through this celestial pictogram, remarkably intensified by the retrograde conditions of many of the planets, especially the outer “heavies,” Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Watch out for blindspots (Neptune), sudden, unexpected (Uranus) events initiate (new moon) karmic/evolutionary (lunar nodes) changes.

Pluto, now retrograde in Aquarius, is poised to re-enter Capricorn for the last time on September 1st, the day before the new moon. It will station direct again on October 11th and re-enter Aquarius on November 19th, where it will be resident until 2043-4. 

Mars rules the lunar north node, our karmic potentials going forward: control anger and impulsive action, something we need to do even in calmer times. Make conscious choices. Act on what best supports your personal growth. Venus rules the lunar south node, our karmic history from the past. Identify what your critical priorities are if complex events unfold. What values are most important and must be held as sacred? Every crisis is an opportunity for change. Actively and consciously support that process. We do not have to repeat the same mistakes as the past (lunar south node). We can choose to make different, conscious choices to avoid repeated trauma. (Lunar north node/Uranus)

An underlying remedy to navigate emotional turbulence will be nurturing ourselves in healthy ways, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Take long walks. Spend some time in nature, especially in places where there is no city light. Read poetry. Soak in hot tubs and mineral springs. Help others. Volunteer. Nurture yourself. 

Every crisis is an opportunity for change. We are passing through an evolutionary vortex energetically exposing our karmic necessities. 

There is a signpost up ahead….